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For recordings (ANALYSIS and AUX function) it is recommended to
ALWAYS use the external power supply adapter (optional code MAR####),
although the instrument does allow the operator to perform a recording
using internal batteries. If during a recording the external power supply
adapter is de-energised, the instrument will continue the recording using the
internal battery power until the batteries are exhausted (the data stored up
to the point the instrument shuts down won’t get lost). It is recommended to
ALWAYS insert a new set of batteries before a long recording.
The instrument uses sophisticated algorithms to prolong the battery life. Particularly:
The instrument switches OFF the backlight automatically after 5 seconds.
If the instrument is displaying in real time (and the external power supply adapter is not
connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key press or switch rotation the
instrument turns off automatically ("AUTOPOWER OFF" procedure).
If the instrument is recording or is measuring energy (and the external power supply is
not connected), after about 5 minutes from the last key pressure or switch rotation the
instrument starts a special procedure to save the batteries ("ECONOMY MODE"): the
instrument keeps recording but the display is turned off.
The instrument fulfils the technical specifications listed in this manual. The performance of
the specifications is guaranteed for one year.
In order to grant the accuracy of the measurements, after a period of storage in extreme
environmental conditions, wait for the time necessary so that the apparatus is back to
normal measuring conditions (see environmental specifications listed in paragraph 14.4).