Marcolin Covering s.r.l.
Via O. Michelin, 3
33170 Pordenone (Italia)
Tel +39 0434-570261
Fax +39 0434-572448
Rev. 02
The translation, reprinting, digital storage or any other type of storage and diffusion, even in excerpts, of this manual and its content are strictly forbidden.
Marcolin Covering s.r.l. reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice.
All mentioned product names and trademarks are exclusively owned by the respective holder.
Marcolin Covering s.r.l. took great care in editing this manual, however, the company denies responsibility for errors and omissions, if present, and for
personal and animal injuries as well as for material and environmental damages as a consequenc
e of the application of the manual’s instructions.
This manual has been edited in accordance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE.