© Copyright Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. 012019
Loosen the Lock nut from the Spare wheel
Lift the spare wheel upwards from inner side to vertical position
and take it out
w tthhee rreevveerrssee pprroocceedduurree ttoo rree–
–llooccaattee tthhee ffllaatt ttyyrree ttoo tthhee ssppaarree
whheeeell bbrraacckkeett..
The spare tyre is only for emergency situations. Never use it for
normal driving. After installing the spare tyre on a wheel, take
your vehicle to a Mahindra Authorised Service Centre or a tyre-
specialised shop to replace it with a new regular tyre.
When reinstalling the spare tyre, be sure to securely lock it
with lock nut.
While your vehicle is being raised up with a jack, avoid any
impact on your vehicle. Otherwise, you may get injured
When taking out the spare tyre, be careful not to damage
the body of your vehicle
Luggage Floor Lid to be fitted always at the lower position when
removes and refits again.