© Copyright Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. 012019
SSeeaatt B
Beellttss -- PPrreeggnnaanntt W
Pregnant women must also wear seat belts. Consult your doctor
for specific recommendations.
The lap belt should be worn snugly and as low as possible over the
hips. The shoulder belt should be worn across your shoulder, but
never across the stomach area. When worn properly, the seat belt
will protect both the mother and the foetus in an accident or
emergency stop.
A pregnant woman should never wear the seat belt across the
stomach area. This could lead to serious injuries to the foetus
and/or the pregnant mother.
Never wear twisted seat belts. Excessive forces will be
transferred from the belt to the wearer, in a collision, resulting
in serious personal injury.
Each seat belt is meant for use by one person only. Using one
seat belt for more than one person at a time is dangerous. The
seat belt will not be able to spread the impact forces properly
leading to serious injuries.
Never put a belt around a child being carried on the occupant's
lap. This could lead to serious injuries.
SSeeaatt B
Beelltt U
Ussaaggee iiss nneecceessssaarryy ttoo::
Reduce the possibility of being thrown from your vehicle
Reduce the possibility of injuries to upper body, lower body and
legs during an accident
Hold the driver in a position which allows better control of the
Children who are too large for child restraint systems should always
occupy the rear seat and use the vehicle seat belts. The lap portion
should be fastened snug on the hips and as low as possible and the
shoulder strap should be across the child's shoulder, not the neck
or face. If you are unable to position the strap across the child's
shoulder, the child should remain in a booster seat. Frequently