© Copyright Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd. 012019
When engine start/stop button is ON or engine is in running
condition with vehicle at standstill and if any door is opened, the
system checks for the Smart Key. If the Smart Key is not inside
the vehicle, an alert in the Instrument cluster is displayed along
with a chirp for 5 times to indicate key not detected inside
Bring the Smart Key inside the vehicle or keep the key in the
detectable position whenever you are inside the vehicle.
SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee vveehhiiccllee
To start the engine, press the clutch and press the engine start/
stop button once with the key inside the vehicle. The engine can be
started from any position (OFF / ACC / ON) of the start/stop
Ensure the gear lever is in neutral position before starting.
If engine start/stop button is pressed without pressing the
clutch pedal, engine will not start and the vehicle power modes
will change as follows: OFF
If the engine start/stop button is pressed from the OFF
position directly, along with the clutch in depressed position,
there may be a small delay in the engine cranking. This is
normal and not to be taken as a fault.
Never press the engine start/stop button while the vehicle is in
motion except in an emergency. This will result in the engine
turning off and loss of power assist for the steering and brake
systems. This may lead to loss of direction control and braking
function, leading to an accident.
Once the engine is started, it would not stop even if the key is
not inside the vehicle. Before leaving the driver seat, always
make sure engine start/stop button is in OFF position and