© 2010 Magnum Energy, Inc.
3.0 Setup
Set Absorb Done Amps -
This setting is used when the return amps of
the battery bank is used to determine when the batteries are fully charged.
Absorb Done Amps is the DC amps the batteries are accepting from the
charger during the Absorb charge cycle. Most battery manufacturers use a
c formula to determine the return amps that indicate a fully charged
battery for their particular type of battery. The formula used by most manu-
facturers to Absorb the batteries is C/20, where C=Battery Bank total Amp
Hours. Basically, they take approximately 5% of the total battery bank size
and consider the battery totally charged when the charge rate drops to this
level. Continuing to charge will possibly overcharge the batteries. Check with
your battery manufacturer in order to determine the correct return amp set-
tings for your batteries.
Default Setting:
Absorb Amps = 20 ADC
If DC loads are connected directly to the batteries it is not
recommended to use the Absorb Done Amps setting. DC loads cause
the charger to increase amperage delivered to the battery bank in
order to charge the batteries, plus run the DC loads. This scenario
could result in overcharging the batteries since the return amps
reading will be skewed by the DC loads.
If a ME-BMK is installed in the system, Absorb Done is based
on the reading in menu 04D DC Amps-BMK which is the most accu-
rate DC amperage measurement. It is highly suggested to install a
ME-BMK if Absorb Done Amps is used as the DC amps reading from
the ME-BMK is accurate to +/- .1 ADC. If a ME-BMK is not installed
in the system Absorb Done Amps is based on the reading in menu
01B DC Amps. The accuracy of menu 01B DC Amps is +/- 10A.
Set Absorb Done SOC -
This setting is used when the SOC (State of
charge) of the battery bank is used to determine when the batteries are
fully charged. SOC is the best way to determine when the batteries are fully
charged. SOC also is helpful because any DC loads or other charge sources
connected to the battery bank will not affect the SOC reading, and the bat-
teries will always receive a full charge.
Default Setting:
Absorb Done SOC = 100%
The ME-BMK is required in ordered for the Absorb Done SOC
setting to be used. If the Absorb Done SOC setting is selected and
there is no ME-BMK installed in the system, then the Absorb Done
will be based on the selection in 05B AmpHour Size.
If Absorb Done SOC is used when charging from a generator
source, then it is recommended that a setting of less than 100% be
used (usually around 90% is acceptable). This lower setting is used
because running the generator past the 90% setting is sometimes
considered an inef
cient use of fuel. If a lower setting than 100%
is used, then at least once a week the batteries should be charged
to 100%, to make sure damage is not done to the batteries by not
bringing them to a full charge state.