© 2010 Magnum Energy, Inc.
3.0 Setup
02 AC Meters
02A Output Volts:
This provides the AC voltage measurement at
the inverter’s output terminals. If inverting, this would measure the
inverter’s output voltage. If in charging mode, this would measure the
AC voltage that is passing through the inverter from the source (e.g.
grid or generator).
02B Output Hertz:
While inverting, this menu displays the output fre-
quency of the inverter in Hertz. This menu provides the AC Output Hertz
on the output of the inverter at the inverter AC output terminals. When
the AC input is connected to an incoming AC source, this display shows
the frequency (Hertz) of the incoming AC source (i.e. grid or generator)
that is passing through the inverter to the inverter output terminals.
02C Load Amps:
This menu displays the load the inverter is running in
the Inverting mode in AC amps measured at the inverter output terminals.
This number is always displayed as a positive number.
02D Input Amps:
This menu displays the total AC amps being used by
the inverter for charging and any connected load at the output of the
If the charger is using 20A from the AC source and the load con-
nect to the inverter output is using 10A, the combined load on the incoming
AC source is 30A. So, 30A would be displayed as the Input Amps.
The 02D Input Amps is determined by adding the 02C Load
Amps and the O2E Inv/Chg Amps.
02E Inv/Chg Amps:
This menu displays the amps the charger is using
from the AC source.
The 02E Inv/Chg Amps is determined by subtracting the 02C
Load Amps from the 02D AC Input Amps.
03 AGS Meters
03A AGS Status:
There are 26 different status messages that can display
to determine what state the ME-AGS-N is currently in, but only one will be
displayed at any one time.
This menu is most important to determine if the ME-AGS-
N is working correctly, or for troubleshooting an installation of an
For any “Fault” mode listed in the status menu, please refer to
the ME-AGS-N Owner’s Manual (part number: 64-0005) for trouble-
shooting information.
AC In:
The charger is connected to another source, such as grid or an-
other generator and not controlled by the ME-AGS-N.
When AC In is displayed, the AGS is locked out from auto
Gen Cooldown:
The stop setting has been satis
ed in one of the genera-
tor start/stop menus and the generator has been disconnected from the
inverter/charger, but is still running until the cooldown time is satis
in menu “04J Gen Cooldown Time”.
Gen Warm-up:
The generator has successfully started on one of the start
settings, but has not connected to the inverter/charger because it is wait-
ing to satisfy the warm-up time set in menu “04I Gen Warm-up Time”.