Sensopress_LCD_Rev_00_Eng.doc Eng
With Sensopress LCD, is possible the managing of a differential threshold for the liquid control (4
differential threshold with the multi-channel version).
After having accomplished accurately the electric installation is possible to proceed with the starting of
the device.
Sensopress LCD has a liquid crystal display in which is possible to visualize all the informations
concerning the device. It has also three buttons with which is possible to interact and change the
parameters. With these is possible to determine the intervention points in which to start or to turn off a
control relay (4 in the multi-channel version), of any other power device (pump, engine), or warning
device (lights, alarm, etc) which have compatible features with those of the device’s relay (relays in the
multi-channel version) of the device (look at next table).
Output Relay
Single Output Version
Multi-channel versione
Channel 1
10A 250Vac / 10A 30Vdc
10A 250Vac / 10A 30Vdc
Channel 2
Not present
2A 250Vac / 2A 30Vdc
Channel 3
Not present
2A 250Vac / 2A 30Vdc
Channel 4
Not present
2A 250Vac / 2A 30Vdc
In the single output version the relay turns on in function of the set differential threshold levels. The
relay turns on when the liquid reaches the high threshold and it turns off when the liquid while
decreasing reaches the low threshold.
In the multichannel version we have 4 relays available which can manage 4 different and indipendent
differential thresholds. The relays turn on when the liquid reaches the threshold level set up for that
channel and they turn off when the liquid decreases to the set up low threshold level, always related to
that channel.
There is the possibility to disable the relays of the channel one does not want to use. The relay of the
disabled channel does not commute
of the threshold levels.
Front Panel Sensopress LCD
When it turns on the device’s display shows the name of the manufacturer MAC3, the software version
V20 and the product name SENSOPRESS
Figure 3
No/- button
Menu Button
Display LCD alphanumeric
Yes/+ button