Sensopress_LCD_Rev_00_Eng.doc Eng
Visualization Menu
Auto Mode
Just after the initial frame the device shows the frame corresponding to the
The auto mode shows, how it is indicated in Figure 4, the following parameters:
The chosen channel (in the single output version is only CH:1)
The relay’s state corresponding to the chosen channel is specified on the display (on: |; off:
o). In Figure 4 the relay is on.
The measure in centimetres of the liquid’s level. (274 cm in Figure 4).
The low intervention’s threshold referred to the chosen channel and specified on the display.
In Figure 4, the low threshold for channel 1 is 99 cm .
The high intervention threshold referred to the chosen channel and indicated on the display.
In Figure 4 the high threshold for channel 1 is 301 cm.
Figure 4
In the
mode the function buttons
are not turned on
By pushing the
button it is possible to watch the current mode and the request of transfer to
other modes, how is specified in the example of Figure 5.
Chosen channel
Measured level
L low threshold
set-up on the
chosen channel
The relay’s state
corresponds to the
chosen channel:
| = on
o = off
Active Mode
H High
threshold set-
up on the
chosen channel