J1587/1708 DTC Nomenclature
MID - Message Identification
The MID Identifies the Component
Example: MID 128 = Engine
MID 130 = Transmission
MID 136 = Brakes (ABS)
PID - Parameter Identification
The PID Identifies the data from a components electrical parts
Example: PID 084 = Road Speed (MPH)
PID 100 = Engine Oil Pressure (PSI)
PID 177 = Transmission Oil Temperature (Degrees)
SID - Subsystem or Status Identification
The SID identifies the status of a components electrical part
Example: SID 001 = Injector Cylinder #1 (on/off)
SID 034 = Reverse Switch (Open/Closed)
SID 163 = Transmission Range (HI/LO)
Note: MID related SID’s start with Number 1 and sequentially increase. Common SID’s start at Number 255
and sequentially increase.
FMI - Failure Mode Identifier
The FMI describes the type of failure detected in the part identified by the PID or SID. The FMI, and either the
PID or SID combined to form a given diagnostic Fault code.
Example: FMI 002 = Data erratic, Intermittent or incorrect
FMI 005 = Current below normal or Open circuit
FMI 007 = Mechanical System Not Responding
FMI 011 = Failure Mode not Identifiable
Normal Message
128 = Engine
084 = Vehicle Speed Sensor
002 = Data erratic, Intermittent or incorrect
Example: The Vehicle speed sensor circuit is bad.