SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
optimally, as shown in the photographs in your SolsTiS Final Test
Pumping the SolsTiS at high powers when the pump
beam is grossly misaligned may cause internal damage to the
SolsTiS laser head and is not covered by your warranty.
SolsTiS contains internal baffles to help prevent a grossly
misaligned high power pump beam from hitting internal
components and potentially causing internal damage. As a
precaution, however, always verify pump beam alignment at
low pump power (<0.1W). To do this, before activating your
pump laser per instructions in your pump laser manual, first
check that the preset output power is above threshold for your
pump laser, but as low as possible, e.g. ~0.1W.
Removing the POM lid to observe the position of the
pump laser beam on the steering mirrors in the POM will
expose the operator to the pump laser beam. The S
pump laser system is a Class IV, high power laser whose
beams, by definition, are a safety and fire hazard. Observe all
safety precautions described in Chapter VII, including wearing
suitable protective eyewear, and take precautions to prevent
exposure to direct and reflected beams before activating the
laser system. Diffuse as well as specular reflections can cause
severe skin or eye damage. This damage can be
instantaneous and/or permanent.
If applicable, turn on your water chiller.
Activate your pump laser at low power (≤0.1W), per the pump laser
manufacturer’s instructions.
Dimming the room lights if needed, confirm that the pump beam
position is aligned optimally on the second mirror in the POM, as
shown in the photograph in your Final Test Sheet. (See the
example shown in Figure 29 below. Note
– the optimum
position of your beam may differ from this.) If it is not, taking
care not to touch optical surfaces in the POM, carefully
adjust the X and then Y adjusts on the first mirror in the
POM until the pump beam position on the second mirror
matches the position shown in your Final Test Sheet. If
applicable, and only if needed, then adjust the X and then Y
adjusts on the second POM mirror to position the pump
beam so that is position on the pump lens matches that
shown in the photograph in your SolsTiS Final Test Sheet.
Figure 29
Pump beam path through the POM. EXAMPLE
– your optimum pump beam path may differ.
Reactivate the pump laser at low power (≤0.1W). Secure a
white piece of card ~10 cm from the output window of the
SolsTiS and then check for a (typically) faint green spot on
the card as an indication that the pump beam is aligned
through the SolsTiS cavity.
Use the adjustment screws on the second mirror to slowly
move the green spot as follows: