SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Unpacking Your System
When you receive your system, please inspect the shipping containers
immediately. If you discover any damage (holes or dents in the containers or
crushing, for example) please notify the carrier immediately, and insist that a
representative of the carrier be present to document the damage with you.
If your system includes installation, please do not remove laser components
from their protective packaging before installation
– leave this task to an
authorized M Squared Lasers service engineer.
Please also be sure to inspect each system component carefully for damage
as it is removed from its protective packaging. If you find any damage to
system components (dents or scratches in covers, for instance), document
this damage, and notify the carrier and M Squared Lasers (or your authorized
distributor) immediately.
– An Overview
There are no internal user adjustments or optics changes needed or
permissible in the SolsTiS laser during normal operation. This lack
of external adjustments makes the SolsTiS system straightforward
to set up and operate. (Removing any system covers: may expose
the operator to laser radiation levels exceeding Class I; is
prohibited; and will void your warranty.)
In addition, unless the SolsTiS is being operated with a high power
pump laser (>8W CW at 532nm), your SolsTiS requires no
supplemental cooling or external cooling water. If your SolsTiS was
ordered for use with >8W pump power, your SolsTiS should have
been purchased with a SolsTiS High Power Cooling Kit that
provides a small flow of supplemental cooling water to the SolsTiS
laser head (either split off from an existing pump laser water chiller,
or from a water chiller purchased with your SolsTiS system.)
While the highly efficient design of the SolsTiS
laser head means that in general no supplemental
cooling is required with pump powers <8W (at a
pump wavelength of ~0.5µm), there may be a small
SolsTiS output power benefit if the High Power
Cooling Kit is added with <8W pump lasers. This
may be useful to those users seeking to extract the
maximum possible efficiency and output power from
SolsTiS. Please inquire.
It is strongly recommended that the instructions contained in the
following sections are followed in sequence by the user, namely:
start with an overview of general installation guidelines and
precautions; review the basic principles of Ethernet control; install
The following are guidelines for installation
preparation only. If your purchase includes installation by
M Squared Lasers Ltd or an authorized representative, after
receipt of your system please call to schedule an installation.
All items, however, should be left packed in their protective
housings until the arrival of an authorised service engineer. If
your system does not include installation, please do not
attempt to install your system before contacting
M Squared Lasers for more information.
If your system includes a PC for Ethernet control of the
SolsTiS, please refer to the manual that accompanied your PC
for information on its use.