SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
SolsTiS incorporates M Squared Lasers’ proprietary Instrument Control by
Ethernet (ICE) user interface, which enables the operator to control SolsTiS’
output wavelength (and, depending on the SolsTiS model purchased,
frequency scanning and locking) via the supplied UI. The HTML/Javascript-
based UI is embedded in the onboard memory of the SolsTiS Wavelength
Control Unit, and may be accessed by connecting SolsTiS’ control unit to a
personal computer via any standard RJ45 cable/ WAN/ LAN/ Internet-based
Ethernet connection (see Section 3.5).
Controls & Indicators
The SolsTiS software interface consists of a multi-page UI, as shown below
(starting with the HOME page that appears at software initialization).
Depending on the SolsTiS model & accessories you purchased, and your
password access level and software revision, the number and content of your
UI pages may differ from those shown below.
The HOME page will appear when the browser has been successfully
connected to the control unit. The navigation icons at the top of the HOME
page may be used to access other UI pages. SolsTiS is generally set up and
controlled via the CONTROL and CONFIGURE pages. (The LOGGING and
HELP pages are not currently used.) A username and password will be
requested on entering any page other than the home page; this password can
be set to be either a user or supervisor level password by the system
administrator (further details on password access levels may be found in
Section 4.5). The panel on the left hand side of the HOME screen is used for
status information, appears on several of the other UI pages, and displays the
following parameters:
displays the measured laser output wavelength in nm, as
measured by the proprietary onboard wavelength-monitoring device.
displays the temperature of the Reference Cavity, and
indication of whether the temperature is currently within acceptable limits.
Cavity (Etalon) lock -
the current state of the Cavity (Etalon) lock circuit
Water Chiller (High Power Pump Lasers Only)
If the output power of your designated DPSS pump laser is >8W at
~0.5µm, your SolsTiS should include a SolsTiS High Power Pump
Cooling Kit. In addition, unless your pump laser includes a water
chiller and M Squared has confirmed its intent to split off water from
your pump laser cooling circuit to cool SolsTiS, your SolsTiS system
should also include a small closed-loop water chiller. (If it does not,
please contact M Squared Lasers or an authorized representative
via the contact information listed in Chapter 7
– Customer Service.)
The chiller should be filled with suitable cooling water, primed and
purged of ai
r per the chiller manufacturer’s instructions, and its input
and return cooling lines connected to the SolsTiS laser head and
connections checked for leaks. To avoid condensation issues, the
chiller should only be activated a few minutes before activating the
pump laser. Similarly, the chiller should also be switched off
approximately 10-15 minutes after the pump laser system has been
deactivated. If SolsTiS is to be operated under conditions of high
humidity, please contact M Squared Lasers or an authorized
representative for recommended chiller settings.
Controls & Indicators
Please refer to the manual that accompanied your chiller.
The chiller input and output cooling lines should be connected to the
corresponding inputs that are added to the SolsTiS laser head as
part of the SolsTiS High Power Pump Laser Cooling Kit.