SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC)
The Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment Directive (WEEE)
applies to companies that manufacture, sell, and distribute electrical and
electronic equipment in the E.U. It covers a wide range of large and
small electrical and electronic appliances, tools and instruments. This
Directive aims to reduce the waste arising from electrical and electronic
equipment, and to improve the environmental performance of everything
involved in the life cycle of electrical and electronic equipment. This
translates into the following requirements for producers (manufacturers
or importers) of electrical and electronic equipment: a) register in their
countries; b) achieve a series of demanding recycling and recovery
targets; c) mark any products that must NOT be thrown into general
waste with a crossed out, wheeled bin icon.
Figure 8
The E.U. WEEE symbol used to mark products that
must not be thrown into general waste, and must be
recycled or disposed of according to local regulations.
The symbol shown in Figure 8 indicates WEEE material, and anything
carrying this mark should be collected separately and processed
according to local regulations. M Squared products subject to the WEEE
e are marked with this symbol. In order to prevent WEEE, the Directive
encourages re-use, recycling and other forms of recovery over disposal.
Arrangements for the separate collection of WEEE varies in each
member E.U. country. If disposal is necessary then this should only be
undertaken by an approved authorised treatment facility (AATF).
As needed, M Squared will work with end users and/or distributors, to
aid in the correct handling of an M Squared product that has reached the
end of its useful life. This may include, as appropriate, return shipment of
the product free of charge to M Squared Lasers Ltd for re-cycling (only
after prior agreement and issue of an RMA number by M Squared
Lasers Ltd). A copy of M Squared’s full WEEE Compliance Policy
Statement is available upon request. For more information, please
contact M Squared Lasers Ltd, or your distributor, using the information
listed in Chapter 7- Customer Service.