SolsTiS User Manual v10.0
Taking great care to avoid any drops or mechanical shock to the
SolsTiS laser head (which may be heavy and require more than one
person to lift and manoeuvre it safely), carefully unpack and place the
SolsTiS laser head and in a suitable location, per the guidelines
discussed in Section 4.3.
Carefully unpack and place the PIK components (POM, riser blocks if
not already bolted into place) close to the SolsTiS laser head.
Taking great care to avoid any drops or mechanical shock to the
pump laser head (which may be heavy and require more than one
person to lift and manoeuver it safely), gently position the pump laser
head near the SolsTiS laser head.
Perform a quick check that you have allowed sufficient space to
position and operate the SolsTiS laser head+POM+Pump laser head
on your optical table as needed. If so, carefully move the pump laser
into position on the table, and bolt it down per the pump laser
manufacturer’s instructions.
To minimize the amount of pump beam alignment required later, use
the supplied metal template spacer plates to position the PIK
components and SolsTiS laser head snugly and squarely relative to
the pump laser head, and then carefully bolt down first the PIK
components and then SolsTiS laser head to your optical table (finger
tight plus one additional ¼ turn). (See example layout in Figure 9.)
Ensure the SolsTiS-POM can be mounted correctly.
If any of the following conditions apply, the alignment of the pump laser beam
into the SolsTiS laser head may first need to be (re-) optimized, in order to
ensure maximum pumping efficiency and hence maximum SolsTiS output
The laser system has not been used before and is being installed for
the first time.
The laser system has been previously installed, but the ambient
temperature differs significantly from the last time the system was
The laser system has not been used for a considerable period.
The laser system does not contain the optional APAM
automated pump beam alignment module.
If any of the cases above apply, alignment of the pump beam into
the SolsTiS should be checked per the following instructions:
Initial Pump Beam Alignment Check AT LOW PUMP POWER
If the output power of your designated pump
laser is >8W at ~0.5µm, your SolsTiS should include a
High Power Pump Cooling Kit and a small closed-loop
water chiller. The chiller should be filled with cooling
water, primed and purged of air per the chiller
anufacturer’s instructions, and its input and return
cooling lines connected to the SolsTiS laser head and
connections checked for leaks. To avoid condensation
issues, the chiller should only be activated a few
minutes before activating the pump laser. Similarly,
the chiller should also be switched off approximately
10-15 minutes after the pump laser system has been
deactivated. If SolsTiS is to be operated under
conditions of high humidity, please contact M Squared
Lasers or an authorized representative for
recommended chiller settings.
If your SolsTiS system does not have an integrated pump
laser that was tested at M Squared Lasers prior to
shipment, and this is the first time that your SolsTiS laser
system has been activated, carefully remove the lid from
the POM beam steering module. This will allow you to
observe the pump beam position on the first and second
mirror in the POM during the next step below, and to
confirm that the pump beam is aligned on these mirrors