Report Files
The Report Files option within the Actions menu is a centralised location for all reports that
have been stored into the MS-TestPro internal memory.
All reports from any of the tests that the MS-TestPro can carry out will be saved into this
location for download onto a USB stick inserted to one of the 4 slots on the top of the MS-
Reports are grouped together for HDBaseT Certifications, EDID, Log Analysis, AVoIP / Net-
work Analyzer, DCR, and HCT. Select the type of report required for download.
Once inside the individual parent folders, the reports are available to select as required.
Reports that have a green cloud symbol (as above right example) have had this report
uploaded to the Cloud. Reports can be uploaded to the Cloud when the MS-TestPro is next
online - see next page.
When using a mobile device, tablet or laptop computer to run tests on the MS-TestPro, re-
ports are downloaded automatically to your device. These will be available in your assigned
‘Downloads’ folder for saving, printing or filing.