HDBaseT Certification Test
The MSolutions MS-TestPro HDBaseT Certification test has been approved by the HDBaseT
Alliance as a recognised test for the defining of a CATx run as being suitable for the
transmission of a HDBaseT signal. This test would be used for new CATx cable runs, or for
existing runs to determine the suitability for stable HDBaseT transmission.
Select the first menu option on the main Home menu of the MS-TestPro to enter the
‘HDBaseT Certification’ page.
If using a CATx cable that has been included into the pre-defined Cable Profiles of the MS-
TestPro, use the Cable Profile selection towards the bototm of the screen to select the cable
type being used. Otherwise, leave this as ‘Standard’.
The MS-TestPro will quantify the HDMI signal being passed by the Pixel Clock notification.
Please note: the maximum pixel clock that HDBaseT can carry in Specifications 1.0 and 2.0
is 298MPixel.
Press ‘RUN’ to carry out the HDBaseT Certification test. The test will take approximately 10
seconds where the live HDMI signal (being inserted to the Transmitter module) will be sent
over the HDBaseT link for the test.
Please note: if a live HDMI signal is not inserted into the Transmitter module then the tester
can only test for basic DDC (Display Data Channel) information being sent and received.
This is not considered to be a true HDBaseT link test, as there is no physical video or audio
being transmitted.