Lucent Technologies ECS Minicell Battery Plant H569-420
Issue 5 February 1997
Product Description 2 - 13
Circuit Breakers
The dc distribution panel (Figure 2-5) accommodates a
maximum of 42 circuit breakers. The circuit breakers are plug-in
style, KS-23616, and are available in 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45,
50, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100 ampere ratings. These breakers have
standard curve 2 trip characteristics and an interrupt capacity of
7000 amperes. The circuit breakers rated at 60 amperes and
higher require the use of two positions on the panel. A
two-position load adapter bus is required for the 60- to
100-ampere breakers.
The breakers are mounted vertically with actuators up in the ON
position. Each circuit breaker is equipped with an auxiliary
switch that indicates, with a closure, when the breaker has
tripped due to overcurrent. The circuit breaker handle will move
to a center trip position when tripped due to overcurrent. It
should be noted here that customers who wish to prewire load
circuits for future use may store the breaker in its installed
position until service is actually required. Leaving the breaker in
the OFF position in an operating battery plant will not produce
an alarm condition.
The 24Vdc to 48Vdc converter plant consists of a shelf
assembly, two 4-ampere converter modules, and a distribution
circuit breaker panel. The converter plant supports
miscellaneous -48Vdc power requirements in the cell site.
You may install single-position circuit breakers in any
position on the distribution panel; however, do not mount
two-position circuit breakers in the bottom positions on the
panel. Two-position circuit breakers must not be placed in an
end position; leave at least one position empty. Be sure to
distribute the circuit breakers as evenly as possible on the