Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
6 - 2 Remote Access and Control
Issue 13 December 2000
Overview, continued
While the ES648 control unit is in communication with the remote
access port, a series of ones (1) and zeros (0) will be periodically flashed
across the ES648 LCD display instead of the plant voltage or current
being displayed. This is to inform a user at the CPS plant that the control
unit is in the remote access mode. A user at the CPS plant may interrupt
and disconnect the user on the remote access port by pressing the LED
Test button.
If either an internal modem or an external modem is connected to the
ES648 control unit, then the control unit can be configured to dial-out
on alarm and dial-out when all alarms are cleared.
EasyView Software
An option is available to use the EasyView Software program for
viewing remote access and control functions of the ES648 control unit.
Contact a local Lucent Technologies sales representative to download a
free copy of the EasyView Software program.
User Interface
The ES648 control unit may be accessed remotely from a modem or
terminal device. Two levels of security protect incoming access. Users
who log into the control unit successfully use T1.317 commands to
access measurements, configuration, and control parameters in the
system. The control unit can be configured to dial-out on alarm.