Lucent Technologies -48V CPS4000/CPS4000 PLUS Cabinet Power System
Issue 13 December 2000
Engineering and Ordering 3 - 5
Ordering Information
List Numbers
The -48V CPS plant is ordered by List (L) numbers. The -48V CPS plant
has four main configurations:
List 1 provides a dual dc output CPS shelf with a primary output of
48 volts and a secondary output of 24 volts.
List 2 provides a dual dc output CPS shelf with a primary output of
48 volts and a secondary output of 130 volts.
List 3 provides a CPS shelf with a -48V dc primary output and a
secondary output for ringing.
List 4 provides a CPS shelf with only a -48V dc output.
Other lists on the J85500R-1 drawing are ordered as “Equipped With”
items. This means that they are ordered in addition to a main list and will
be assembled in the factory.
Table 3-A provides a summary of the J85500R-1 List structure. Read
carefully all of the notes in Table 3-A before ordering.
Shelf Assemblies
Each -48V CPS shelf assembly consists of a chassis assembly with
voltage keying, an input assembly, and an output assembly. In addition
to choosing a main list, you must also specify an ac input assembly and
an output assembly. These assemblies must be factory-assembled and
are not available separately.
Order the configured systems in Table 3-B using comcodes.
Order rectifiers, converters, other plug-in modules, and
miscellaneous equipment from Table 3-C.
Order fuses, circuit breakers, and lug kits from Table 3-D.
Order cable assemblies for input, output, and office alarm
connections from Tables 3-E and 3-G. The tables include both the
Lucent Technologies kit and the commercial equivalent.
Tables 3-F and 3-H provide torquing information for input and
output connections.
Order plug-in modules separately.