LUBING Floor Watering System
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13. Cut the suspension cables to length (length = ceiling 20 cm). The first
suspension cable must be longer (length = ceiling 20 cm + distance
between the first two ceiling pulleys). Guide the suspension cable through the
ceiling pulleys and secure to the traction rope using rope clamps 10 cm in front of
each pulley in the direction of traction.
The first suspension cable for the Pressure Regulator is not secured on the traction
rope in front of the first ceiling pulley. This plastic rope is guided across the first
ceiling pulley to another ceiling pulley at the height of the second ceiling pulley,
where it is deflected and linked to the traction rope in front of the second ceiling
Link the suspension wire with the traction rope at the last ceiling pulley.
Unwind the wire, taking care to avoid kinks.