LUBING Floor Watering System
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The spring has the correct initial tension when the shockwire protection can be
pressed down as far as the aluminium carrier profile under pressure of approx. 1 kg.
Electrical connection
In order to prevent the birds from sitting on the LUBING floor watering system, the
drinking lines are connected to an interior electric fence.
The safety requirements and installation instructions provided by the device
manufacturer must be observed.
One device is required per building. It is installed inside along the front wall of the
building or in a front room. Connection is via a power outlet. However, the device can
also be connected via a fixed installation.
The interior electric fence has two connections marked (+) and (-). The (+) pole is
connected to the shockwire protection unit (wire cable) and the (-) pole is connected
to the aluminium carrier profile.
Assembly order
1. Install the interior electric fence to the front wall of the building or in a front
2. Lay the negative (-) line. Lay a high-voltage cable along the front wall from the
device, secure to the ceiling at the front and position a branching box.
Distribute from here to the drinking line’s aluminium carrier profiles.
3. Drill 7 mm holes on the aluminium carrier profile and secure the high-voltage
cable using cable lugs and brass screws.
4. Lay the positive (+) line along the front wall, secure to the ceiling at the front
and position a branching box. Continue along to the shockwire protection unit
wires and secure to the wire cable using lamp-wire connectors.
5. Put the interior electric fence into operation in accordance with the device
operating instructions.
This completes installation of the shockwire mount protection unit.