Atom Operator Manual
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
Printing To A Printer
To PRINT the memory contents, press and hold [FUNCTION], tap S/A (PRINT), release [FUNCTION].
The display asks “Scenes ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “Chases ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “Patch ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “All ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the print function is aborted.
If you select yes to any of the above, the selected data is sent to your printer.
Printing To A Computer
If you are printing to a computer, use your communications program to “capture” or “receive” the data from the
Atom and save it in a file.
For example, if you are using “Microsoft Windows, Terminal” .
From the “
menu, choose “
Receive Text File”
. Name the file and select OK.
To send the data from the Atom to the computer, press and hold [FUNCTION], tap S/A (PRINT), release
The display asks “Scenes ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “Chases ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “Patch ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no, the display asks “All ?”. Press [YES] or [NO].
If you select no the print function is aborted.
If you select yes to any of the above, the selected data is sent to your computer.
When all the data has been transferred, stop the capture or receive process.
For example, if you are using “Microsoft Windows, Terminal” , click on “
Displaying Atom Data
L.S.C. recommends using a word processor to view and print the memory contents file. Word processors use
various text formatting setups and fonts. You can
display the Atom print out by selecting COURIER
size 10 as the display font. The example of Courier below shows that all the text is displayed with correctly
aligned columns because all Courier characters have the same width.
Page 2 Scene 3
IN = 3.1s
001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 009 010 011 012
013 014 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024
Refer to your word processor manual for details on how to select Courier and how to print the files.
13.4 Video Output
The Atom proves several means of displaying information on a video screen. The display may be either a;
VGA monitor (optional).
Video terminal (TTY).
Personal computer (PC).
VGA output provides the easiest means of connecting a video display. However, if your Atom is
not fitted with the VGA option, a Video Terminal (also known as a “Dumb Terminal” or “TTY”) or a Personal
Computer may be used. These require you to setup some communication parameters as described below.
When any video screen is used, it
displays the following information;
The current OUTPUT of the Atom (the video terminal and PC require you to “double click” the
[PREVIEW/EDIT] key to see a snapshot of the current output.
A Scene when you RECORD or PREVIEW it.
A step of a Chase that you RECORD or PREVIEW (Stop/Step to see the steps when previewing).
A Grab when you RECORD it.
The patch when you preview or edit it.
Vga Monitor
If your Atom is fitted with the
VGA output connector, simply plug a VGA monitor into the VIDEO
connector and connect the monitor to mains power. The Atom provides all the necessary video and
synchronisation signals for the VGA monitor. No setup is required. Using a VGA monitor also leaves the
RS232C Port free for other uses.
The VGA monitor provides
displays and “message” prompts of;