Atom Operator Manual
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
Traditionally, chases will snap (instantly switch) from step to step but in the Atom you may also elect to record
a FADE time for the chase so that the chase will crossfade from step to step.
The fade is recorded as a percentage of the chase rate.
For example, if the chase rate is set at 60 BPM (which is one step per second), then with fade set at 0% (that
is, no fade), the chase will wait for one second, then snap to the next step. None (0%) of the available rate
time will be used for crossfading.
If the Fade is set to 50%, then the chase will perform a 0.5 second crossfade to the next step, wait for 0.5
seconds and then perform the next crossfade. That is, 50% of the Rate time is used to perform a cross fade
and 50% of the Rate time is spent waiting before starting the next crossfade.
If the Fade is set to 100%, then the Chase will use all of the Rate time performing a crossfade to the next
step. When the crossfade is complete, the next crossfade will commence immediately, as 100% of
the available rate time has been used by the crossfade.
To change the fade of a chase, Preview/Edit the chase (above) then repeated presses of the [FUNCTION]
key will toggle the display between the STEP number, the RATE setting in BPM (Beats Per Minute) and the
IN/OUT fade percentage. When the IN & OUT indicators are lit, the Edit wheel may be used to set the
percentage of the chase rate that is used for the crossfade. If the fade is set higher than the recorded
percentage, the Edit indicator flashes quickly. If the fade is set lower than the recorded percentage, the Edit
indicator flashes slowly. If the fade is restored to its original value, the edit indicator remains steady.
Hint: Fading chases are very useful for controlling moving fixtures.
Modes, Direction And State.
Some Mode changes require you to hold down one key whilst at the same time tapping another key and then
releasing the first key.
For example, selecting Bounce Mode requires you to hold the “>” key down whilst tapping “Stop/Step” then
releasing “>”. This is described as; Hold [>], Tap [Stop/Step].
To change the mode, direction or state of a chase, Preview/Edit the chase (above) then use the following
keystrokes for the desired result.
STOPS a running chase.
chase in the direction indicated by the currently lit direction key.
This stepping will be the direction that the chase was running prior to being
STARTS a stopped chase and runs it forward.
Changes the DIRECTION of a reverse running chase (runs it forward).
Changes a BOUNCE chase into a normal forward chase.
SNAPS a forward running chase to the next step.
] (Reverse)
STARTS a stopped chase and runs it backwards.
Changes the DIRECTION of a forward running chase (runs it backwards).
Changes a BOUNCE chase into a normal reverse chase.
SNAPS a backward running chase to the next step.
Hold [
], Tap [
Selects Bounce mode.
Hold [
], Tap [
Also selects Bounce mode.
Deselects Bounce mode (runs forward).
Deselects Bounce mode (runs reverse).
Hold [Stop/Step], Tap [
] Selects single shot mode.
Runs a Single Shot in the forward direction.
Runs a Single Shot in the reverse direction.
[S/A] (Chase number)
Runs a Single Shot when
in Preview/Edit mode.
Hold [Stop/Step], Tap [
] De-selects single shot mode.
When finished controlling the Chase, press [PREVIEW/EDIT] to de-select it.
The latest settings are automatically stored in memory.