Atom Operator Manual
Quickstart Tutorial
LSC Lighting Systems (Aust) Pty. Ltd.
The channel levels and the fade times in a scene may be edited (modified).
Scenes may be copied to other Submasters and /or pages and to or from the Grab master.
For descriptions of these operations, see the “SCENES” and “GRABMASTER” chapters.
5.5 Recording A Chase
Each step in a chase consists of a snapshot of the output of the Atom which is taken when the “ADD STEP”
key is pressed whilst in “RECORD CHASE” mode.
To record a Chase, press;
Choose a Submaster on which to record the chase, press;
[S/A] (Chase number) (Red preset)
Use the faders to create the look on the output for the first step of the chase then press;
Use the faders to create the look for the second step of the chase then press;
Continue to create and add steps until all desired steps have been recorded, then press;
Record a 6 step chase in Submaster 12 using the above steps. For simplicity, record a single channel as the
look in each step. Make step 1 channel 1, step 2 channel 2, etc. etc. You can use this chase to experiment
with the various ways of playing a chase as described below.
5.6 Replaying A Chase
Chases are replayed in Scene mode.
When you select scene mode or change pages in Scene mode, the chases(and/or scenes) in the selected
page are assigned, in order, to their respective Submasters, 1 to 12 (24).
To replay a chase, ensure that you are in Scene mode and that the Red Preset master is up. To reveal the
chase, fade up its Submaster.
Controlling A Chase
You may change the way that a chase is playing (Rate, Mode, Direction, Fade and State) by editing the chase.
Changes that you make will be automatically stored in memory so that the next time the chase is used, it will
be in its most recent form.
To change any of these parameters, press;
[S/A] (Chase number)
To change the
of the chase, simply rotate the Edit wheel.
the chase press; [STOP/STEP]
To manually
the stopped chase press; [STOP/STEP]
the chase choose either; [>] (Forward) or [<] (Reverse)
When finished editing, press; [PREVIEW/EDIT]
The Atom also provides the following facilities when working with chases;
Chases may be run in “Bounce” mode or as “Single Shot” chases.
The transition between steps may be set as a crossfade.
Chases stepping may be synchronised to the bass beat of an audio input signal.
Chases may be previewed prior to fading them up on stage.
The channel levels in each step may be edited (modified).
Steps may be inserted or deleted.
Chases may be created or run on the Grab master.
Chases may be copied to other Submasters and /or pages and to or from the Grab master.
For descriptions of these operations, see the “CHASES” and “GRABMASTER” chapters.