What It Does:
Auto Bass is short for automatic bass and provides the bass
accompaniment (foot pedals) portion of a Rhythm Plus
Orchestration style. This is the feature that plays the bass
pedals for you!
The Jubilee offers two bass accompaniment variations for
each Rhythm Plus Orchestration style: Auto Bass 1 and
Auto Bass 2.
How It Works:
Pressing any of the blue style buttons causes the Auto Bass feature to turn on, lighting the Auto
Bass 1 button. A style must be selected in order for Auto Bass to play.
How To Use It:
Select the style you wish and play your song. Use Auto Bass 1 or 2 to add variety.
If you wish to play your own pedals play them at anytime. When you play your own bass pedals,
with Auto Bass 1 or 2 selected, the Auto Bass stops playing. When you stop playing the pedals
Auto Bass takes over again.
You may also turn the Auto Bass feature off in order to play your own bass pedals.
Auto Bass may be used without a Rhythm Plus Orchestration style to add an Automatic Bass
Pedal sound to your lower keyboard chords. Without MCS or a style, Auto Bass 1 will sound
once a complete chord (three or more notes) is played on the lower keyboard. Auto Bass 2 will
sound the lowest key played on the lower keyboard when one or more keys are played .
You can vary the bass sound the Auto Bass plays by pressing one of the four orange bass sound
buttons in the Bass section, just below the Rhythm Plus Orchestration section.