Rear Panel
Plugging headphones into the headphone jack automatically turns off
the sound from the Jubilee’s speaker system and directs the sound to
the headphones.
Before plugging the headphones into the headphone jack reduce the
Expression Pedal volume to the minimum setting. Put the head-
phones on and slowly increase the volume to a comfortable level.
NOTE: Always use stereo headphones. Never plug a monorial head-
phone set or plug into the Jubilee headphone jack.
The Jubilee organ is a complete musical instrument. However, it is possible to connect other
devices to the organ to expand its capabilities. The Accessory panel, located on the pack of the
organ, is provided for this purpose.
WARNING: All connections of cable to and from the organ should be done with the organ and
other equipment turned off. It is Recommended that level adjustments and volume pedal set-
tings be initially set to their minimum value.