LIYU PZR-KV-1 Series High Speed
LIYU-PZR-KV-1-Series Handbuch
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Auxiliary ink tank view
1: Air Tube
From safety bottle to auxiliary ink tank.
2: Waste Liquid Tank
(Safety Bottle)
Safety bottle has two functions, one of which is the air
channel. the other is to send out alarm and stop all the ink
pump work in case that the ink level in the waster liquid tank
reaches a certain height after ink inverse suction, so as to
prevent ink from flowing directly to the electromagnetic
valve of control air channel.
3: Ink Discharge Tube
The outlet of waster ink in waste liquid tank (safety bottle).
4: Cleaning Fluid Tube
When you press the cleaning button, cleaning fluid will flow
into the print head from the tube.
5: Liquid Level Sensor Lead
It is connected to the carriage plate, detecting the liquid level
in auxiliary ink tank.
6: Ink Inlet Tube
It is connected to the ink inlet of auxiliary ink tank on one
end, and the other end is connected to the ink outlet of ink