Supine Nursing
If the patient is being nursed in the Supine position (Face Up) then the Head and Heel Zoner valves can be used to de-
fl ate appropriate cells of the mattress to relieve pressure on patient body parts. Seek instruction from medically qualifi ed
personnel for which cells to defl ate. See chapter 19 for valve operation instructions.
Prone Nursing
If the patient is being nursed in the Prone position (Face Down) then the Head, Body, and Heel Zone valves can be used
to defl ate appropriate cells of the mattress to relieve pressure on patient body parts. Seek instruction from medically
qualifi ed personnel for which cells to defl ate. See chapter 19 for valve operation instructions.
Ensure adequate patient support is maintained during normal mattress operation. Remember that APT mode
alternately defl ates cells in a 3-cell cycle, hence it is recommended not to manually defl ate more than one cell
per body zone, nor two adjacent cells, unless necessary for a nursing procedure.
Ensure adequate patient support is maintained during normal mattress operation. Remember that APT mode
alternately defl ates cells in a 3-cell cycle, hence it is recommended not to manually defl ate more than one cell
per body zone, nor two adjacent cells, unless necessary for a nursing procedure. The exception to this advise,
for Prone nursing only, is the Head Zone where up to 4 cells can be defl ated, under medical supervision, to
accommodate the patients face should it be considered necessary.