Thank you for your purchase of LE-series.
To use it correctly, you are advised to read and understand this
instruction manual thoroughly. Keep this together with thewarranty.
If you encounter any problems, you will find helpful information in
this manual.
It is prohibited to reprint or duplicate any part of this manual without
priorpermission from LINEEYE.
The content of this manual and specification of the product is subject to
change without any notice.
This instruction manual has been designed and edited with great care to
giveyou all necessary information. If you have anyquestions, feel free to
direct your inquiries to LINEEYE.
LINEEYE makes no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied
with respect to its quality, performance,merchantability, or fitness for a
particular purpose. LINEEYE shall not be liable for direct, in-direct, special,
incidental, orconsequential damages resulting from any defect in the product.
The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive andin lieu of all
This product has been developed for the purpose of using as an line monitor
When you use this product with the following devices that are required to
function with a high degree of reliability, safety andaccuracy, use it under
considering the safe design of the system in order to maintain reliability and
safety for that system;
*Devices that are directly related to transportation such as airplanes, trains,
cars etc.
*Devices for crime prevention and disaster privension.
*Each kind of safety devices and so on.
This product has not been developed for the use that needs exclusivey
highreliability and safety: aerospace apparatus, trunk communication
apparatus, nuclear control apparatus, medical apparatus related with
lifemaintenance etc. Therefore, do no use for those purposes.
= = = Notice = = =
When youdispose of it, please follow the regulation of the region
2019 by LINEEYE CO.,LTD All rights reserved