Subject to modifications
Owner Manual
Technical Description
Page 14 of 36
LINCOLN GmbH • Postfach 1263 • D-69183 Walldorf • Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 • Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
Mode of Operation, continuation
Fig. 11
Hydraulic diagram of the pump
Check valve
The check valve:
- closes the pressure line during suction stroke
- prevents the lubricant from flowing back to the housing or
1 - Reservoir with stirring paddle
2 - Pump
3 - Check valve, spring-loaded
4 - Pressure relief valve
R - Return line
p - Pressure line
Fig. 12
Arrangement of the pump elements
Arrangement of the pump elements
If several pump elements are to be installed, the installation
arrangement shown in Fig. 12 must be adhered to.
If there is only one pump element , it can be installed in any
position. Standard position is no. 3.
If there are two elements, install one in position 3 and the
other in position 1.
Pump element with adjustable lubricant output
Fig. 13
Adjustable pumpelement
The mode of operation (suction and supply phase) is the
same as that of the pump elements with an invariable lu-
bricant output.
The lubricant outputs are adjustable from 0.04 to
/stroke, or 0.7 to 3cm
The pump elements are factory-adjusted to the maximum
lubricant output; the adjusting dimensions “S” should be
29 ± 0.1 mm.