Owner Manual
Operating Instructions
Page 16 of 36
LINCOLN GmbH & Co. KG Postfach 1263 D-69183 Walldorf Tel +49 (6227) 33-0 Fax +49 (6227) 33-259
In this case, switch on the pump by pressing the key for
additional lubrication (fig. 25). Acknowledge the mal-
function before doing so.
When a malfunction is present, it can only be cancelled
by triggering an additional lubrication and after a proper
lubrication cycle has been executed.
If the fault is still present after an additional lube cycle
has been triggered, the fault signal
* ER *
is again
displayed in the display of the membrane key pad.
The monitoring time starts at the same time as the
operating time. It is a fixed time of 30 minutes.
If the voltage supply is interrupted during the monitoring
phase (operating time), the monitoring time starts from
the beginning after the pump has been switched on
Acknowleding the malfunction
On pressing the key (fig. 28), the flashing display
* Er *
changes into a continuous light.
An external signal lamp switches off.
Low-level indication
When the reservoir is empty the display on the
membrane key pad shows the flashing fault signal
*LL *.
The function of the low-level control is described on page
In the case of a low-level indication the pump does not
switch off immediately. The current lube cycle is
completed. Upon expiration of the pause time, the pump
cannot be started automatically again. The flashing
* LL*
appears on the display of the membrane
key pad (fig. 29)
* Before filling the reservoir, press the key, fig. 30, to
acknowledge the low-level indication.
* Fill pump and trigger additional lubrication. As soon as
the additional lube cycle has been triggered, the
display is cancelled. The automatic lube cycle resumes.
Acknowleding the low-level indication
By pressing the key (fig. 30) the flashing light
* LL *
changed into a continuous light (fig. 31).
An external signal lamp switches off.
Malfunction/ low-level indication
If both indications occur at the same time, then both
* Er *
* LL*
will flash alternately.
Fig. 27 - Membrane key pad with fault signal
Fig. 28 - Acknowledging a flashing fault signal Er
Fig. 29 - Display of a low-level indication
Fig. 30 - Acknowledging a flashing fault signal LL
Monitoring relay (on the control p.c.b.)
The monitoring relay signalizes a low-level indication or a
malfunction. In both cases, the monitoring relay will pick
up. Via a minus potential contact, a signal lamp can be
used as external fault indication which has to be
switched against plus. Whenever the fault indication is
acknowledged, the flashing indication switches to a
continuous indication.
Note: If the fault has not been put in order properly, after
switching the pump off and on, an acknowledged fault/ low-
level indication will appear as a flashing indication in the
display window again.
Fig. 31 - Acknowledged fault signal LL