TruScan 532 Single - Wavelength – Operators Manual Rev. No 02
Page 95 of 114
Different types of LDUs Indication / Contraindication Use
There are three different types of delivery system such as, Slit lamp Delivery unit, LIO and
Endoprobes. They are explained in great detailed for their specific indication and
countraindication uses as follows.
Slit lamp Delivery Unit
The Slit lamp Delivery unit allows the treatment of many Retinal conditions and
Glaucoma while still being able to use all the standard diagnostic functions of the Slit
lamp to which it is fitted.
Indications for use:
Proliferative and non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy
Retinal tears and detachments
Lattice degeneration
Laser trabeculoplasty in glaucoma treatment
Contraindications for use:
Opaque cornea or lens, corneal edema, or blood in the vitreous humor that
interferes with the treatment by scattering the beam
Albino patients, or eyes that have no pigmentation.
Additional Contraindications for use in trabeculoplasty:
Aphakic eye with vitreous in the anterior chamber
Neovascular glaucoma
Glaucoma caused by congenital abnormalities of the angle
Glaucoma secondary to active uveitis
Less than 90° of open angle or extensive low-lying peripheral anterior synechiae
present around the circumference of the angle
6.1.2 Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO)
The Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope allows for the treatment of panretinal disorders and
adds the capability of transpupillary retinal photocoagulation to the diagnostic indirect
ophthalmoscope. Use of the LIO enables delivery of the laser to pathologies in the far
periphery of the retina and for treatment of supine patients.
Indications for use:
Proliferative and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy with pathology outside
the arcades
Retinal tears