TruScan 532 Single - Wavelength – Operators Manual Rev. No 02
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Section 4
General Description
The TruScan 532 Single-Wavelength Laser System is an Ophthalmic Laser suitable for
performing the following clinical procedures:
Retinal Photocoagulation
Pan Retinal Photocoagulation
Endo photocoagulation
Macular Treatments
Laser Trabeculoplasty
The TruScan 532 Single-Wavelength Laser system has a wavelength of 532nm, which is in
the visible spectrum and is the Green light. A red aiming beam is used to position the
treatment laser light beam prior to delivering.
The word LASER is an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
Radiation”. The light from a laser has particular characteristics, which makes it a valuable
tool for medical applications.
The beam from a laser is collimated which means that the beam does not
diverge and can maintain a constant diameter over a long distance. This
means that the Laser beam can be focused to a very small spot with high
energy and power densities.
The beam is Monochromatic, which means that it is a single wavelength
beam and therefore the effects of the beam on tissue are very predictable
and reproducible.
The light waves are coherent which means they are in phase with each other
and do not interfere and generate losses in energy.
The TruScan 532 Single-Wavelength system consists of a laser console where the Green
laser is housed along with the electronic control system and power supplies and
accompanies along with various Laser Delivery Units (LDU’s). These LDU’s include:
Slit lamp Integrated into CSO model SL980
Slit lamp Attachment
for CSO model SL990 and other Haag Streit clones.
Slit lamp Attachment for Zeiss model SL30 Slit lamp
Laser Indirect Ophthalmoscope (LIO) using a Keeler II
Endo photocoagulation hand pieces (Endoprobes)
When using these LDU’s a microscope Doctor Safety Filter (DSF) is required to protect
the doctor from unexpected reflections causing eye injury during the treatments. The
DSF is mounted in the beam path of the microscope.