Interacting with Waspmote
27.2.3. Capturing and storing sensor data in Meshlium from a Waspmote sensor network
When you buy a kit containing Waspmotes, Gateway and Meshlium, the Waspmotes come already configured to send frames to
the Gateway. Later, once the user has developed the code for transmitting to Gateway, he can switch to Meshlium.
Meshlium will receive the sensor data sent by Waspmote using the wireless radio and it will store the frames in the Local Data
Base. That can be done in an automatic way thanks to the
Sensor Parser
Sensor Parser
is a software system which is able to do the following tasks in an easy and transparent way:
receive frames from XBee and LoRa (with the Data Frame format)
receive frames from 3G/GPRS, WiFi and Ethernet via HTTP protocol (Manager System version 3.1.4 and above)
parse these frames
store the data in a local Database
synchronize the local Database with an external Database
Besides, the user can add his own sensors.
The initial frames sent by Waspmote contain the next sequence (API frame characters are removed here):
They are formed by the accelerometer values, RTC internal temperature value, and battery level. The MAC address is added and
other helpful information.
Meshlium comes with all the radios ready to be used. Just “plug & mesh!”. All the Meshlium nodes come with the WiFi AP ready
so that users can connect using their WiFi devices. Connect the Ethernet cable to your network hub, restart Meshlium and it will
automatically get an IP from your network using DHCP *.
(*) For the Meshlium Mesh AP and for the Meshlium XBee Mesh AP the Internet connection depends on the GW of the network.
Then access Meshlium through the WiFi connection. First of all search the available access points and connect to “Meshlium”.
Figure: Available Networks screenshot
No password is needed as the network is public (you can change it later in the WiFi AP Interface options). When you select it,
Meshlium will give an IP from the range -