GDC-480H/500H Wireless Handset
User Guide
To respond to a request to join a conversation:
1. Press the
( ) button, you receive dial tone.
2. Dial the Meet Me code, default is 544.
3. After the confirmation tone, a private connection is established to the paging party.
4. When done, press the
( ) button.
4.14 Call Park
Call Park is commonly used with paging and is used to transfer a call to someone not at a
known station. The call is parked and the desired party paged to answer the parked call.
The paged party dials the park location, known as an orbit, to answer the call.
To park an active external call:
1. Press the right arrow of the
( ) button, the call is placed in parking
2. Dial the Park orbit code, see your System Administrator for codes.
3. Press the
( ) button.
4. Page desired party.
To answer a park call from idle:
1. Press the
( ) button, you receive dial tone.
2. Dial the Park orbit code, see your System Administrator for codes.
3. After the confirmation tone, a private connection is established to parked call.
4. When done, press the
( ) button.
4.15 Conference Room
GDC-480H/500H cannot initiate a conference. It can, however, create, join, and delete a
conference room.
To activate (create) a conference room:
1. Press the
( ) button, you receive dial tone.
2. Press Speed/Program button (longer than 2 sec.), and dial 53 (conference room
activate code) + Room Number (1-9).
3. Enter optional 5-digit conference room password (as needed).
4. Press right arrow of the
( ) button (longer than 2 sec.).
To deactivate (delete) a conference room:
1. Press the
( ) button, you receive dial tone.
2. Press Speed/Program button (longer than 2 sec.), and dial 54 (conference room
delete code) + Room Number (1-9).
3. Press right arrow of the
( ) button (longer than 2 sec.).
To join a conference room:
1. Press the
( ) button, you receive dial tone.
2. Dial 59 (conference room join code) + conference room number (1-9).