Copyright © Lexibook 007
Number of possible combinations of the winning combination of the first three
horses: we select 3 horses among the 8.
We calculate nCr where n=8 and r=3
8 [NCr] 3 [=]
-> 8C3= | 56.
My chances of finding the winning combination in any given order : if I
only have one possible combination, my chances of finding the winning
combination of the first three horses in any given order, are 1 out of 56:
] [=]
-> ANS
= | 0.017857142
thus 1,8%.
Number of winning combinations possible in the correct order. Not only do
we select 3 horses out of the 8, but we are also interested in their order of
We calculate nPr where n=8 and r=3
8 [SHIFT] [nPr] 3 [=] -> 8P3=
| 336.
My chances of finding the correct winning combination of the first three hors-
es in the correct order: if I have only one possible combination, my chances
of finding the winning combination in the correct order are 1 out of 336.
] [=]
-> ANS
= | 2.976190476
thus 0,03%
Random Functions
SHIFT] [Ran#]
Generates a random number ≥0 and <1, with three
significant numbers after the decimal point.
To generate the next number press [=].
[SHIFT] [Ran#] [=] ->
RAN# | 0.256
RAN# | 0.845
RAN# | 0.511
... etc.
Note :
The example consists of generating random numbers, therefore,
when you carry out this example on your calculator, you will not come up
with the same numbers as in this manual!
To draw the numbers for the lotto (between 1 and 49)
[MODE] [MODE] [MODE] [MODE] 1 0 Fix 0 (mode
, with 0 numbers
after the decimal point, we want to display whole numbers)
[SHIFT] [Ran#] [x] 48 [+] 1 [=] generates a whole number between 1 and 49
(taking into account the rounded numbers)
[SHIFT] [Ran#] [x] 48 [+] 1 [=] -> RAN#x48+1= | 39.
-> RAN#x48+1= | 32.
-> RAN#x48+1= | 17.
-> RAN#x48+1= | 2.
Note :
it consists of the generation of pseudo random numbers calculated on
the basis of the value stored in the Y memory.
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