Access Point Management
Log Settings
If you have a Syslog Server on your LAN, this screen allows you to configure the
Access Point to send log data to your Syslog Server.
Figure 61: Syslog Settings Screen
Data - Syslog Settings Screen
Syslog Server
Select the desired Option:
- Syslog server is not used.
- Syslog data is broadcast. Use this
option if different PCs act as the Syslog server at dif-
ferent times.
- Select this if the same PC is always used
as the Syslog server. If selected, you must enter the
server address in the field provided.
Server Name/IP Ad-
Enter the name or IP address of your Syslog Server.
Minimum Severity
Select the desired severity level. Events with a severtiy
level equal to or higher (i.e. lower number) than the
selected level will be logged.
Email Alerts
Email Alerts
If enabled, an e-mail will be sent. If enabled, the e-mail
address information (below) must be provided.
Log Queue Length
Enter the desired length of the log queue. The default is
20 entries.
Log Time Threshold
Enter the preferred value between 60 and 600, which
determine how often the log will be emailed to you.
Normally, this can be left at the default value. The default
is 600 seconds.
SMTP Mail Server
Enter the domain name or IP address of the SMTP
(Simple Mail Transport Protocol) server you use for
sending e-mails.