Appendix E - Command Line Interface
get radiusport
Display RADIUS Port Number
get radiussecret
Display RADIUS Shared Secret
get remoteptmp Display PTMP's Remote MAC Address List
get remoteptp
Display PTP's Remote MAC Address
get roguedetect
Display Rogue AP Detection Mode
get rogueinteval
Display Interval of Every Rogue AP Detection
get roguelegal
Display Legal AP List of Legal AP
get roguetrap
Display Rogue AP Detection Send SNMP Trap Mode
get roguetype
Display Rogue AP Definition
get rtsthreshold
Display RTS/CTS Threshold
get security
Display Wireless Security Mode
get shortpreamble
Display Short Preamble Usage
get snmpreadcom-
Display SNMP Read Community
get snmpwritecom-
Display SNMP Write Community
get snmpmode
Display SNMP Mode
get snmpmanage-
Display SNMP Manager Mode
get snmptrapmode
Display SNMP Trap Mode
get snmptrapversion
Display SNMP Trap Version
get snmpv3username
Display SNMP v3 User Name
get snmpv3authproto
Display SNMP v3 Authentication Protocol
get snmpv3authkey
Display SNMP v3 Authentication Key
get snmpv3privproto
Display SNMP v3 Private Protocol
get snmpv3privkey
Display SNMP v3 Private Key
get ssid Display Service Set ID
get ssidbroadcast
Display SSID Broadcast Mode
get stp
Display STP Mode
get strictgtkupdate
Display Group Key Update Strict Status
get syslog Display Syslog Mode
get syslogport
Display Syslog Port
get syslogserver
Display Unicast Syslog Server Address
get syslogseverity
Display Syslog Severity Level
get systemname
Display Access Point System Name
get telnet Display Telnet Mode
get time Display Current System Time