Event name: Enter a descriptive name for the event setting.
Enable this event: Select this option to enable this event setting.
Priority: Select the relative importance of this event (High, Normal, and Low)
Events with
higher priority setting will be executed first.
Detect next event after seconds: Enter the duration in seconds to pause motion detection after
a motion is detected.
An event is an action initiated by user-defined trigger source; it is the causal arrangement of
the following three elements: Trigger, Event Schedule, and Action.
Trigger: Also referred as the cause or stimulus, defines when to trigger the Network Camera.
The trigger source can be configured to use the Network Camera’s built-in motion detection
mechanism or external digital input devices.There are four choices of trigger sources:
Video motion detection
Select this option to allow the Network Camera to use the built-in motion detection
mechanism as a trigger source.
Select this option to allow the Network Camera to trigger periodically for every other defined
minute. At most 999 minutes can be set.
Digital input
Select one of the Digital inputs 1~4 to allow the Network Camera to use external digital input
device as a trigger source
Depending on your applications, there are choices of digital input
devices on the market which helps to sense any changes in temperature, vibration, sound
and light, etc.
System boot
Select this option to allow the Network Camera to trigger when the power of Network Camera
is disconnected.
Event Schedule: The effective period in which the event stays active
Specify the effective
period for the event.
Select the days on weekly basis.
Select the time for recording in 24-hr time format.
Action: Also referred as the effect, defines the action to be performed by the Network Camera
when the trigger is activated. Select the action to perfom when a trigger is activated.
Trigger D/O for seconds
Select this option to turn on external digital output device when a trigger is activated
the length of trigger interval in the text box.
Move to preset location
Select this option, the Network Camera will move to the preset location when a trigger is
Server name / Media name
Select the server and media name to allow the Network Camera to send the media files to