-489 ~ 529
Indicate timezone and area
-480: GMT-12:00 Eniwetok, Kwajalein
-440: GMT-11:00 Midway Island, Samoa
-400: GMT-10:00 Hawaii
-360: GMT-09:00 Alaska
-320: GMT-08:00 Las Vegas, San_Francisco, Vancouver
-280: GMT-07:00 Mountain Time, Denver
-281: GMT-07:00 Arizona
-240: GMT-06:00 Central America, Central Time, Mexico City,
-200: GMT-05:00 Eastern Time, New York, Toronto
-201: GMT-05:00 Bogota, Lima, Quito, Indiana
-160: GMT-04:00 Atlantic Time, Canada, Caracas, La Paz, Santiago
-140: GMT-03:30 Newfoundland
-120: GMT-03:00 Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland
-80: GMT-02:00 Mid-Atlantic
-40: GMT-01:00 Azores, Cape_Verde_IS.
0: GMT Casablanca, Greenwich Mean Time:Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon,
40: GMT 01:00 Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna, Madrid,
41: GMT 01:00 Warsaw, Budapest, Bern
80: GMT 02:00 Athens, Helsinki, Istanbul, Riga
81: GMT 02:00 Cairo
82: GMT 02:00 Lebanon, Minsk
83: GMT 02:00 Israel
120: GMT 03:00 Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, St. Petersburg,
121: GMT 03:00 Iraq
140: GMT 03:30 Tehran
160: GMT 04:00 Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan
180: GMT 04:30 Kabul
200: GMT 05:00 Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent
220: GMT 05:30 Calcutta, Chennai, Mumbai, New Delhi
230: GMT 05:45 Kathmandu
240: GMT 06:00 Almaty, Novosibirsk, Astana, Dhaka, Sri
260: GMT 06:30 Rangoon
280: GMT 07:00 Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk
320: GMT 08:00 Beijing, Chongging, Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur,
Singapore, Taipei
360: GMT 09:00 Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk
380: GMT 09:30 Adelaide, Darwin
400: GMT 10:00 Brisbane, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam,
440: GMT 11:00 Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia
480: GMT 12:00 Aucklan, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.
520: GMT 13:00 Nuku'Alofa
6/6 Enable automatic daylight saving to time zone
6/7 Check if current time is under daylight saving time.
daylight_auto_begintime string[19]
6/7 Display the current daylight saving begin time.
daylight_auto_endtime string[19]
6/7 Display the current daylight saving end time.
updateinterval 0,
6/6 0 to Disable automatic time adjustment, otherwise, it means the
seconds between NTP automatic update interval.