VR 2300
Leuze electronic
Parameter sets
In the VR 2300, three different parameter sets are administered:
• parameter set with the default settings in the ROM
• current parameter set in the EEPROM
• working copy of the current parameter set in the RAM
Before a parameter set is loaded into the memory of the VR 2300 processor, the validity of
the parameter set is verified using checksums.
Factory default parameter set
This parameter set contains the factory default settings for all VR 2300 parameters. It is
permanently stored in the ROM of the VR 2300. The parameter set with the default settings
is loaded into the memory of the VR 2300
• the first time the device is commissioned after delivery
• following the command "Default" in the parameterisation program
• if the checksums of the current parameter set are invalid.
Current parameter set
In this parameter set, the current settings for all device parameters are stored. When the
VR 2300 is in operation, the parameter set is stored in the EEPROM of the VR 2300. The
current set can be stored:
• by copying a valid parameter set from the host computer
• by means of an on-line setup with the PC setup program VisionREADER Setup Tool
The current parameter set is loaded into the memory of the VR 2300
• each time the supply voltage is connected
• following a software reset
The current parameter set is overwritten by the parameter set with the default settings.