8.6 Control Backplane Details
The Control Backplane serves to provide the connection points for the Dimmer Control and SCM, as
well as the contractor connections for all the data links (DMX and Collage). It also contains the
Voltage Comp Board in the lower left corner, which contains the MRAM used for rack configuration
There are four 5x20mm fuses located on the board. All are used with the 277v models, but only F2-F4
are used with 120v models. Note that F1 & F2 are rated 5amps since they control the low voltage
power supplies and fan, while F3 & F4 are lower, as they only protect the phase B or C transformers.
Also note that 120v models must use UL Listed fuses, while the 277v models are only UL Recognized.
The S1 switch in the upper right corner is used to turn on all dimmers in the rack to full. This can be
used to get lights on during the construction phase when the Dimmer Control & SCM are not in place,
as well as a last resort if the control boards should fail. Slide the switch to the “Panic” position to
activate the dimmers.
The Dimmer Control Card plugs into the Control Backplane illustrated in Figure 20 below via
connectors J8-J11. When plugging in the board, be sure to press firmly until you here a good solid
“snap”, indicating it is fully seated.
Figure 20: Control Backplane Details (120v version)
DX3 Manual