5 AV System Integration
The DX3 system is a Telnet server and allows interconnection to AV systems via the on-board Ethernet
terminals located on the control backplane using a Telnet Client. Hook up to the Ethernet terminals,
TB12 & TB13, are shown in Figure 16 in the previous section. One such useful program is called
PuTTY, a SSH and Telnet client. Set the default Host Name to, and set the port to 6265.
The commands used to control the rack are found in the DX3 A/V Command Reference manual.
6 Connecting to a PC for DxDirector DX3
There are two ways to connect to the DX3 dimmer rack for control or configuration with a PC. Both
are described in the DxDirector DX3 manual.
6.1 USB Cable
A USB device cable (A to B) can be used to connect directly to the port labeled “COM” on the front of
the SCM. This cable is the typical one used to connect devices such as printers and scanners to your
6.2 Ethernet Connection
To connect via Ethernet, you need to wire to the internal port on terminals TB12 & TB13, as illustrated
in Figure 16. If the rack is connected to a network via a router or switch, you can connect your PC to
any available network port and run the program from there. You may have to adjust your network
settings to allow your PC to see the IP address on the network. Consult the DxDirector DX3 manual
for more information.
DX3 Manual