ary 201
416 Legrand PDU User Guide
If you entered the command without "/y", a message appears, prompting you to confirm the operation. Then:
to confirm the operation, OR
to abort the operation
Example - Turning On a Specific Actuator
The following command turns on the actuator whose ID number is 8.
control actuator 8 on
Unblocking a User
If any user is blocked from accessing the Legrand PDU, you can unblock them at the local console.
To unblock a user:
1. Log in to the CLI interface using any terminal program via a local connection. See
With HyperTerminal
(on page 295).
2. When the Username prompt appears, type
and press Enter.
3. When the "Username to unblock" prompt appears, type the name of the blocked user and press Enter.
4. A message appears, indicating that the specified user was unblocked successfully.
Resetting the Legrand PDU
You can reset the Legrand PDU to factory defaults or simply restart it using the CLI commands.
Restarting the PDU
This command restarts the Legrand PDU. It is not a factory default reset.
To restart the Legrand PDU:
1. Ensure you have entered administrator mode and the # prompt is displayed.
2. Type either of the following commands to restart the Legrand PDU.
reset unit
-- OR --
reset unit
3. If you entered the command without "
" in Step 2, a message appears prompting you to confirm the
operation. Type y to confirm the reset.
4. Wait until the Username prompt appears, indicating the reset is complete.
Note: If you are performing this command over a USB connection, re-connect the USB cable after the reset
is completed, or the CLI communications are lost.