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Inleiding en belangrijke opmerkingen voor een veilige werking ..............xxxi

Advies ter voorkoming van letsel ....................................................................xxxi

Omgang met het digitale camerasysteem Leaf AFi...................................xxxii

Reserveonderdelen en accessoires .............................................................. xxxiv

Summary of Contents for AFi

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Page 3: ...generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual may cause harmful interference to radio communications Operation of this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at his own expense Canada This Class A digital apparatus comp...

Page 4: ...duct or software ii the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from any products goods data software information or services purchased iii unauthorized access to or alteration of your products software or data iv statements or conduct of any third party v any other matter relating to the product software or services The text and drawings herein are for illustration and refe...

Page 5: 16 Adjusting the Handgrip Position 17 Attaching the AFi Camera to a Tripod 18 Attaching a Neck Strap 18 Image Storage 19 Formatting a CompactFlash Card 19 Inserting the CompactFlash Card 24 Camera Controls 26 Turning Your Camera System On and Off 26 Selecting the Shutter Release Mode 26 Selecting the Focus Mode 28 Setting the Focus Trap 29 Selecting the Exposure Mode 30 Focus Modes 31 Selecting...

Page 6: ...face Language 48 Setting the Date and Time 49 Setting the Owner Information 50 Managing Your Shots 52 Deleting Shots in Shoot View 52 Creating a Folder 53 Assigning a Base Name to a Shot 54 Adding Notes and Copyright Information to Your Shots 56 4 Power Supply 59 About the Power Supply 60 Attaching the Battery to the AFi Back 60 Connecting the AFi Back to a Power Supply 61 Charging the Batteries 6...

Page 7: ...Safety Precautions Introduction and Important Notes about Safe Operation ii Advice for the Prevention of Injuries ii Caring for the Leaf AFi Digital Camera System iii Spare Parts and Accessories iv ...

Page 8: ...battery to prevent the danger of an electrical shock Do not use the Leaf AFi digital camera system Contact Leaf Customer Support for advice If you experience any abnormal behavior in the Leaf AFi digital camera system for example smoke noise or smell immediately stop using the camera system Disconnect the power supply and or remove the battery Contact Leaf Customer Support for advice WARNING Indic...

Page 9: tissue If the camera system has been exposed to saline air wipe the casing with a lightly moistened tissue Condensation can impair the camera system operation and can lead to irreparable damage In order to avoid condensation do not expose the camera system to rapidly changing environment temperatures Store the camera system in a sealed plastic bag If your camera system has been exposed to conde...

Page 10: ...m near heat sources Storing the system near heat sources can cause the cables or instruments to become deformed or damaged Spare Parts and Accessories Use only the spare parts and accessories that are included in the Leaf AFi digital camera system or that are recommended by Leaf for use with the camera system No liability will be assumed for injuries or damages caused by the use of non authorized ...

Page 11: ...ative If you are planning to shoot in an environment at these temperatures carry the battery pack in a pocket to keep it warm then attach it just prior to shooting Carry the battery pack in a plastic bag when transporting it If the surrounding temperature is low during recharging recharging may take longer or may not work at all It is recommended that you recharge the battery pack at room temperat...

Page 12: ...e sécurité Introduction et remarques importantes pour une utilisation sûre vii Conseils de prévention des blessures vii Prendre soin de l appareil photo numérique Leaf AFi viii Pièces détachées et accessoires x ...

Page 13: ... batterie afin d éviter tout risque de choc électrique N utilisez pas l Leaf AFi digital camera system Contactez l assistance clientèle de Leaf Si l Leaf AFi digital camera system présente un fonctionnement anormal fumée bruit ou odeur par exemple arrêtez immédiatement d utiliser l camera system Débranchez l alimentation et ou retirez la batterie Contactez l assistance clientèle de Leaf AVERTISSEM...

Page 14: ...t pas étanche et ne convient pas pour la photographie sous marine Évitez d utiliser l camera system près de l eau Si l camera system est mouillé essuyez le doucement avec un chiffon doux et sec ne contenant pas de bois Si l camera system a été exposé à l air marin essuyez le boîtier à l aide d un chiffon légèrement humidifié La condensation peut dégrader le fonctionnement de l camera system et cau...

Page 15: ... la bague de l objectif Ne créez pas et ne coupez la connexion entre la bague et l objectif lorsque la bague est fixée au boîtier de l appareil Afin d éviter les rayures ou d autres dommages mettez toujours le bouchon sur l objectif lorsque celui ci n est pas utilisé Ne laissez pas l camera system au soleil N entreposez pas l camera system avec des produits chimiques ou des agents de conservation ...

Page 16: ...argeur pour charger d autres batteries qu une batterie au lithium ion pour camera system Cela pourrait provoquer un incendie ou une explosion Ne démontez jamais le chargeur et ne le modifiez d aucune façon Maintenez le chargeur à l abri de l humidité et de l eau Ne laissez pas tomber votre chargeur et ne l exposez pas à une forte secousse ou vibration Ne forcez par lorsque vous connectez ou déconn...

Page 17: ... photos Conservez la batterie dans un sac plastique lors de son transport Si la température extérieure est basse pendant la recharge celle ci peut prendre plus de temps ou ne pas avoir lieu du tout Il est conseillé de recharger la batterie à température ambiante normale de 10 C à 30 C Ne créez pas de court circuit car cela pourrait provoquer des brûlures Maintenez le chargeur hors de portée des en...

Page 18: ...Sicherheitshinweise Einleitung und wichtige Hinweise zum sicheren Betrieb xiii Hinweise zur Verhütung von Verletzungen xiii Pflege des Leaf AFi Digitalkamerasystems xiv Ersatzteile und Zubehör xvi ...

Page 19: ... um elektrische Schläge zu verhindern Das Leaf AFi digital camera system darf nicht verwendet werden Wenden Sie sich zwecks Beratung an den Leaf Kundendienst Falls Sie bei dem Leaf AFi digital camera system abnormales Verhalten feststellen beispielsweise Rauch Geräusche oder Gerüche müssen Sie den Gebrauch des camera systems sofort abbrechen Ziehen Sie das Netzteil ab und oder nehmen Sie den Akku ...

Page 20: ...tografie Vermeiden Sie den Betrieb des camera systems in Wassernähe Falls sich auf dem camera system Wasser befindet muss es mit einem trockenen weichen und holzfreien Tuch vorsichtig weggewischt werden Wenn das camera system salzhaltiger Luft ausgesetzt wurde muss das Gehäuse mit einem leicht angefeuchteten Tuch abgewischt werden Kondensation kann den Betrieb des camera systems beeinträchtigen un...

Page 21: lösen Die Verbindung zwischen dem Ring und der Linse darf nicht festgezogen oder gelöst werden während der Ring am Kamerakörper befestigt ist Verwenden Sie bei Nichtgebrauch der Linse die Linsenabdeckung um Kratzer oder andere Schäden zu vermeiden Lassen Sie das camera system nicht in der Sonne liegen Bewahren Sie das camera system nicht zusammen mit Konservierungsstoffen oder Chemikalien auf D...

Page 22: ... für ein camera system verwendet werden Andere Akkus dürfen mit dem Ladegerät nicht geladen werden Bei Fremdeinsatz besteht Feuer oder Explosionsgefahr Ladegerät nicht zerlegen oder umbauen Ladegerät vor Feuchtigkeit und Wassereinwirkung schützen Das Ladegerät darf nicht auf den Boden fallen oder starken Stößen und Vibrationen ausgesetzt werden Akku stets vorsichtig d h nicht gewaltsam an Ladegerä...

Page 23: Für den Transport des Akkus empfiehlt sich eine Plastiktüte Wenn die Umgebungstemperatur beim Aufladen gering ist kann der Ladevorgang länger dauern oder überhaupt nicht funktionieren Es wird daher empfohlen den Akku bei Zimmertemperatur 10 bis 30 C aufzuladen Kurzschlüsse können zu Verbrennungen führen und sind daher zu vermeiden Ladegeräte gehören nicht in die Hände von Kindern Nach Abschlus...

Page 24: ...nes en materia de seguridad Introducción y notas importantes para una utilización segura xix Consejo para la prevención de daños xix Cuidado del sistema de cámara digital Leaf AFi xx Repuestos y accesorios xxii ...

Page 25: ...ctrica No utilice el Leaf AFi digital camera system Póngase en contacto con el servicio de atención al cliente de Leaf para obtener información Si detecta un comportamiento anormal en el Leaf AFi digital camera system por ejemplo humo ruido u olores deje de utilizar el camera system de inmediato Desconecte la fuente de alimentación o retire la batería Póngase en contacto con el servicio de atenció...

Page 26: ...umergible por lo que no es adecuado para la fotografía submarina Evite utilizar el camera system cerca del agua Si hay agua en el camera system séquela cuidadosamente con un paño seco suave y sin pelusa Si el camera system se ha expuesto al aire salino limpie la carcasa con un paño ligeramente humedecido La condensación puede afectar al funcionamiento del camera system y provocar daños irreparable...

Page 27: ...lla del cuerpo de la cámara antes de liberarla del objetivo No conecte ni suelte la anilla del objetivo cuando la anilla esté conectada al cuerpo de la cámara Para evitar arañazos y otros daños coloque la tapa del objetivo cuando no lo esté utilizando No deje el camera system al sol No almacene el camera system con agentes ni productos químicos de conservación No almacene el camera system cerca de...

Page 28: ...or para cargar baterías distintas de la batería de iones de litio del camera system De lo contrario podría producirse fuego o una explosión No desmonte ni modifique de ninguna manera el cargador Mantenga el cargador alejado de la humedad y el agua No deje caer el cargador ni lo someta a golpes ni vibraciones No aplique nunca una fuerza excesiva al conectar o desconectar la batería Manténgalo aleja...

Page 29: ...Transporte la batería en una bolsa de plástico Si la temperatura exterior es baja durante la recarga ésta puede durar más tiempo o es posible que no se pueda llevar a cabo Se recomienda que recargue la batería a una temperatura de entre 10 C y 30 C No provoque cortocircuitos ya que se podrían producir quemaduras Mantenga el cargador fuera del alcance de los niños Cuando se haya completado la carga...

Page 30: ...di sicurezza Introduzione e osservazioni importanti sull impiego in sicurezza xxv Informazioni utili per prevenire lesioni xxv Cura della telecamera digitale Leaf AFi xxvi Parti di ricambio e accessori xxviii ...

Page 31: ...elettrica e o togliere la batteria per non correre rischi di scossa elettrica Non utilizzare la Leaf AFi digital camera system Rivolgersi al supporto clienti Leaf per avere consigli Se ci si accorge di fenomeni anomali nella Leaf AFi digital camera system ad esempio fumo rumore o odori particolari cessare immediatamente di utilizzare la camera system Staccare l alimentazione elettrica e o togliere...

Page 32: ...lizzare la camera system in presenza d acqua Se si trova dell acqua sulla camera system rimuoverla delicatamente con un panno asciutto soffice e privo di fibre di legno Se la camera system è stato esposto ad aria salina strofinare l involucro con un panno leggermente umido La condensa può compromettere il funzionamento della camera system e provocare danni irreparabili Per evitare la formazione di...

Page 33: ...pararlo dalla lente Non montare o smontare l anello dall obiettivo mentre quest ultimo è montato sul corpo della telecamera Per evitare graffi e altri danni coprire la lente con il cappuccio protettivo quando non è in uso Non lasciare la camera system esposto al sole Non riporre la camera system insieme a reagenti chimici o a conservanti Non riporre camera system in prossimità di sorgenti di calor...

Page 34: camera system In caso contrario potrebbero verificarsi incendi o esplosioni Non smontare o modificare il caricabatteria in alcun modo Non esporre il caricabatteria a umidità o acqua Non fare cadere il caricabatteria né sottoporlo a forti urti o vibrazioni Non applicare una forza eccessiva durante il collegamento o lo scollegamento della batteria Evitare l esposizione a luce solare diretta o tem...

Page 35: ...occo batteria utilizzando un sacchetto di plastica Se la temperatura circostante è bassa durante il processo di ricarica è possibile che quest ultimo richieda più tempo oppure che non venga eseguito Si consiglia di caricare il blocco batteria a temperatura ambiente compresa tra 10 C e 30 C Evitare il verificarsi di cortocircuiti che potrebbero causare incendi Conservare il caricabatteria fuori dal...

Page 36: ...dsmaatregelen Inleiding en belangrijke opmerkingen voor een veilige werking xxxi Advies ter voorkoming van letsel xxxi Omgang met het digitale camerasysteem Leaf AFi xxxii Reserveonderdelen en accessoires xxxiv ...

Page 37: ... ontlopen Gebruik de Leaf AFi digital camera system niet Neem contact op met de klantenondersteuning van Leaf voor advies Als de Leaf AFi digital camera system abnormaal gedrag vertoont als deze bijvoorbeeld rook afgeeft herrie maakt of vreemd ruikt stopt u het gebruik van de camera system onmiddellijk Verbreek de stroomvoorziening en of verwijder de batterij Neem contact op met de klantenonderste...

Page 38: ...erfotografie Gebruik de camera system niet in de buurt van water Als er water op de camera system zit veegt u dit voorzichtig weg met een droge zachte houtvrije doekje Als de camera system is blootgesteld aan zoute lucht veegt u de behuizing schoon met een licht bevochtigd doekje Condensatie kan de werking van de camera system negatief beïnvloeden en tot onherstelbare schade leiden Stel de camera ...

Page 39: ...dy van de camera te verwijderen voordat u de ring van de lens verwijdert U mag de ring niet op de lens draaien of hiervan verwijderen zolang de ring vastzit aan de body van de camera Gebruik om krassen of andere beschadigingen te voorkomen de lenskap wanneer u de lens niet gebruikt Laat de camera system niet in de zon liggen Bewaar de camera system niet in de buurt van preserveringsmiddelen of che...

Page 40: ...or een camera system Als u dit niet doet kan brand of een explosie het gevolg zijn Haal de lader nooit uit elkaar en breng er geen veranderingen in aan Breng de lader niet in contact met vocht of water Laat de lader niet vallen en stel het apparaat niet bloot aan sterke schokken of vibraties Pas nooit overmatige kracht toe wanneer u de batterij aansluit of loshaalt Vermijd rechtstreeks zonlicht of...

Page 41: ...e pas plaatsen vlak voor het fotograferen Doe de batterij tijdens het transport in een plastic zak Als de omgevingstemperatuur laag is tijdens het opladen kan het opladen langer duren of helemaal niet werken U kunt de batterij het beste opladen bij kamertemperatuur 10 C tot 30 C Voorkom kortsluiting vanwege het brandgevaar Houd de lader buiten het bereik van kinderen Wanneer het opladen is voltooi...

Page 42: ...a Introdução e Observações importantes sobre a Segurança no funcionamento xxxvii Sugestões para a prevenção de lesões xxxvii Cuidados exigidos pelo sistema de câmera digital Leaf AFi xxxviii Acessórios e peças avulsas xxxix ...

Page 43: ... choques elétricos Não use o Leaf AFi digital camera system Entre em contato com o Atendimento ao cliente da Leaf para obter orientação Caso o Leaf AFi digital camera system se comporte de forma anormal por exemplo emitindo fumaça ruídos ou odores estranhos interrompa imediatamente o uso do camera system Desconecte a fonte de alimentação e ou remova a bateria Entre em contato com o Atendimento ao ...

Page 44: ... exposto ao salitre limpe a parte externa com um lenço de papel ligeiramente umedecido A condensação pode prejudicar o funcionamento do camera system provocando danos irreparáveis Para evitá la não exponha o camera system a ambientes onde houver variações muito rápidas de temperatura Guarde o camera system em um saco plástico lacrado Se o camera system sofrer condensação remova a lente a parte tra...

Page 45: ...ra system perto de fontes de calor Isso pode deformar ou danificar os cabos e instrumentos Acessórios e peças avulsas Use apenas os acessórios e peças avulsas incluídos no Leaf AFi digital camera system ou especificamente recomendados pela Leaf Não podemos assumir nenhuma responsabilidade por lesões nem danos decorrentes do uso de peças não autorizadas Entre em contato com seu revendedor para info...

Page 46: ... abaixo de 0 C torna a bateria inoperante Se a câmera for usada em um ambiente com essas temperaturas coloque a bateria em um invólucro que a mantenha aquecida e só a conecte pouco antes da utilização Para transportar a bateria use um saco plástico A recarga pode demorar mais tempo ou não funcionar se a temperatura ambiente estiver muito baixa É recomendável que a bateria seja recarregada a uma te...

Page 47: ...Acessórios e peças avulsas xli Mantenha todos os contatos limpos Não force os contatos Nunca deixe a bateria conectada ao carregador por um período muito longo ...

Page 48: ...Правила техники безопасности Введение и важные замечания по технике безопасности xliii Советы по предупреждению травматизма xliii Уход за цифровой камерой Leaf AFi xliv Запасные части и аксессуары xlvi ...

Page 49: ...ьтацией в службу технической поддержки Leaf При обнаружении каких либо отклонений от исправного состояния цифровой камеры Leaf AFi например появления дыма шума или запаха немедленно прекратите использование камеры Отсоедините источник питания и или выньте аккумулятор Обратитесь за консультацией в службу технической поддержки Leaf ВНИМАНИЕ Указание на опасную ситуацию которая если не принять соотве...

Page 50: ...овая камера Leaf AFi не обладает влагозащитными свойствами и не подходит для подводных съемок Старайтесь не пользоваться камерой вблизи воды При попадании воды на камеру осторожно вытрите ее сухой и мягкой безворсовой тканью В случае воздействия на камеру воздуха с высоким содержанием солей протрите корпус слегка влажной тканью Конденсация влаги может привести к нарушению работы камеры и ее неиспр...

Page 51: ...оединять кольцо от корпуса камеры а затем кольцо с объектива Не соединяйте и не разъединяйте кольцо и объектив пока кольцо прикреплено к корпусу камеры Во избежание царапин и прочих повреждений закрывайте неиспользуемый объектив крышкой Не оставляйте камеру под прямыми солнечными лучами Не храните камеру вместе с консервантами или химикатами Храните камеру вдали от источников тепла Хранение камеры...

Page 52: ...ается использовать аккумулятор в других устройствах Информация о безопасности при обращении с зарядным устройством Используйте это зарядное устройство только для зарядки литиевых аккумуляторов камеры Нарушение этого требования может привести к возгоранию или взрыву Запрещается разбирать зарядное устройство и изменять его конструкцию Запрещается подвергать зарядное устройство воздействию влаги и во...

Page 53: ... эксплуатации держите аккумулятор в кармане для сохранения тепла Устанавливайте аккумулятор непосредственно перед выполнением съемки При транспортировке аккумулятора необходимо держать его в пластиковом пакете Зарядка при низкой температуре может потребовать больше времени или оказаться невозможной Рекомендуется заряжать аккумулятор при комнатной температуре от 10 C до 30 C Не допускайте короткого...

Page 54: ...ᅝܼ乘䰆 ᮑ ᅝܼ ㅔҟ 㽕 xlix Ҏ䑿Ӹᆇⱘ乘䰆ᓎ䆂 xlix 㞾៥㓈ᡸ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳 xlix ӊ 䰘ӊ li ...

Page 55: ... 㒳ߎ ϔѯᓖᐌᚙ ˈމ བ ݦ ǃѻ ా 䲒䯏ⱘ ੇˈ䇋ゟे ذ ℶՓ Ⳍᴎ 㒳DŽᮁᓔ পϟ DŽ ৢ䇋㘨 ⱘᅶ ᬃᣕˈҹ㦋ᕫᓎ䆂DŽ 㞾៥㓈ᡸ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳 AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳ᰃᬣᛳϨ催 ᑺⱘ ܝ ᄺ䆒 DŽ໘ Ⳍᴎ 㒳ᯊᑨ䇼ᜢˈ ᑨ䙉ᕾℸ໘ᦤկⱘᣛ ֵᙃ䖯㸠㓈ᡸDŽ Փ Ⳍᴎ 㒳ᯊˈ䇋䙉ᕾᴀᇣ㡖ЁὖᣀⱘᣛᇐֵᙃDŽ 䄺ਞ 㸼ᯢᚙ ॅމ 䰽ˈབᵰ ќ䙓 ܡ Ӯᇐ㟈 ѵ 䞡ӸDŽ ᇣᖗ 㸼ᯢᚙ ॅމ 䰽ˈབᵰ ќ䙓 ܡ Ӯᇐ㟈䕏ᑺ ЁᑺӸᆇDŽ䆹ヺোг Ѣᦤ 䝦ৃ㛑ᄬ 䋶ѻᤳണDŽ 䄺ਞ 䇋 ᇚ䞥ሲ ᦦܹⳌᴎⱘ 㾺 ǃ ܝ 㓚䖲 ໘ 䰘ӊⱘ 㾺 ЁDŽ䖭Ӯᄬ 㾺 ॅ䰽 ৃ㛑ᤳണ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳DŽ 䄺ਞ Փ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳ᯊˈ䇋䖰 ᯧ ԧ ԧDŽ Ӯᄬ ॅ䰽DŽ 䄺ਞ Ў䰆ℶᤳӸⴐ ˈ䇋 ᇚ Ⳍᴎ䬰 ᇍ ޚ 䰇 Ҫᔎ ܝ DŽ ᇣᖗ 䰸њপϟ ⷕⳌᴎⱘৢⲪ 䬰 ˈ䇋 ᠧᓔ ᢚᓔ Ҫ AFi ⷕⳌ ᴎ...

Page 56: ...ᴎ 㒳Ϟ ˈ䇋 ᑆ ᶨ䕃ǃ᮴ 䋼ⱘ㒌Ꮢ䕏䕏 ᑆDŽ བᵰⳌᴎ 㒳 㾺њⲤᑺ催ⱘぎ ˈ䇋 ᖂ ⱘ㒌Ꮢ ᣁֱᡸᗻࣙ㺙DŽ ޱދ ๗ӮᕅડⳌᴎ 㒳ⱘ ˈᑊϨӮᇐ㟈᮴ ׂ ⱘᤳണDŽЎ䙓 ދ ߎܡ ޱ ˈމ 䇋 ՓⳌᴎ 㒳ᲈ䴆Ѣ বᑏ㥿 ⱘ ๗ЁDŽ䇋ᇚⳌᴎ 㒳ᄬᬒѢ ᆚᇕⱘล 㹟䞠DŽ བᵰⳌᴎ 㒳Ꮖ 㾺њ ޱދ ๗ˈ䇋পϟ䬰 ǃ ⷕⳌᴎⱘৢⲪˈ ݡ ҢⳌᴎⱘ ᴎ䑿Ϟপϟ DŽⳈࠄ ޱދ 䈵ᅠܼ ৢˈ ݡ Փ Ⳍᴎ 㒳DŽ 㾺 എ 䙓 ܡ 㾺 എDŽ䇋 Ӯѻ ᔎ എⱘ䆒 䰘䖥Փ AFi ⷕⳌ ᴎ 㒳DŽᔎ എৃҹᤳണⳌᴎࡳ㛑 ണ䆄ᔩⱘ DŽ ֱᣕ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳ⱘ 䙓 ܡ 㾺 ǃ ᇬ ԧDŽ 䙓 ܡ ᰗࡼ ᓘ㛣 ܝ ᄺ䴶DŽ 㽕䙓 ܡ ᓘ㛣 ᤳണ㘮 ሣˈϡՓ 㾚প᱃ ᯊ䇋 䯁ᅗDŽ Ⳍᴎᯊˈ䇋Փ ᑆ ᶨ䕃 ᖂ ⱘᏗDŽ䇋 Փ ᴎ ࠖǃ㣃 䞞ࠖⱘ ࠖDŽ ᇣᖗ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳 䪕DŽᦤ䝦ᙼ എৃᤳണ 㸼ǃ वㄝDŽ ᇣᖗ ...

Page 57: ...ᬒ 䰘䖥DŽᇚ䆹 㒳ᄬᬒ 䰘䖥ৃᇐ㟈 㓚 䆒 বᔶ ᤳണDŽ ӊ 䰘ӊ ҙՓ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳Ёࣙ ⱘ 㤤ϢⳌᴎ 㒳䜡 Փ ⱘ ӊ 䰘ӊDŽᇍѢ Փ ᥜᴗ䚼ӊ㗠䗴៤ⱘҎ䑿Ӹᆇ 䆒 ᤳണˈᴀ ৌϡ ᡓᢙ䋷ӏDŽ ӊ 䰘ӊ䯂乬ˈ䇋㘨 ᙼⱘ㒣䫔ଚDŽ Փ Ⳍᴎ 㒳Ё ࣙᣀⱘ䚼ӊ བ䮾 ܝ 䆒 ᯊˈ䇋䙉ᕾ䖭ѯ䚼ӊЁᦤկⱘ ᅝܼᓎ䆂DŽᇍѢ ϡ䙉ᅜ ϝᮍ ৌᦤկⱘᅝֵܼᙃ㗠ᇐ㟈ⱘҎ䑿Ӹᆇ 䆒 ᤳണˈᴀ ৌϡᡓᢙ䋷ӏDŽ ㅒϞⱘ䄺ਞໄᯢ 㡖 Ϟ䛑 ㅒ䄺ਞໄᯢDŽ ҙՓ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳䱣䰘ⱘ DŽ䆹 ϡᑨ Ѣ Ҫ䆒 DŽ ᇣᖗ 㢹ᇚ ⲪϞ䬰 Ⲫⱘ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳ᲈ䴆Ѣ䰇 ܝ ϟˈ Ӯথ ᓩ DŽ ᇣᖗ ᤳണⱘ䆒 ৃᇐ㟈 ߏDŽ 䄺ਞ ᇚ AFi ⷕⳌᴎ 㒳ᬒ ܓ ス 㾺ϡࠄⱘഄᮍDŽ 䄺ਞ བᵰᇚ ᲈ䴆 催 ϟ Ёǃᠧᓔ ᢚौˈৃ㛑Ӯ ǃⓣ ⴔ DŽ ...

Page 58: ...ԢѢ 10eC 50eF ˈ ᬜᎹ ᯊ䯈ৃ㛑Ӯᰒ㨫䰡ԢDŽᲈ䴆 0eC 32eF ҹϟ ৃ㛑ᇐ㟈 ᬜDŽབᵰᙼᠧㅫ 䖭ѯ ᑺ ๗ϟᢡ ˈ䇋ᇚ ᬒ ࣙ ֱݙ ᣕ ᑺˈ ৢ ᢡ Пࠡ㺙ϞᅗDŽ ᨎᏺ ᯊˈ䇋ᇚ ᬒ ล ࣙ ݙ DŽ བᵰ ܙ ᯊ ೈ ᑺᕜԢˈ ܙ ᯊ䯈ৃ㛑ᓊ䭓 㗙᮴ ܙ DŽᓎ䆂ᙼ ᅸ 10eC 㟇 30eC ϟᇍ 䖯㸠 ܙ DŽ 䇋 ᔶ៤ⷁ䏃ˈҹ ܡ DŽ ᇚ ܙ ᬒ ܓ ス 㾺ϡࠄⱘഄᮍDŽ ܙ ϔᅠ៤ህᢨߎ ⱘ ܙ DŽ াՓ ॳ㺙䗖䜡 12V Ⳉ 䔺䕑㪘 ᇍ ܙ կ DŽ ֱᣕ᠔ 㾺 DŽ 䇋 ᇍӏԩ㾺 ᮑࡴ䖛 ⱘ DŽ 䇋 ᇚ 䖛Йഄ䖲 ܙ ϞDŽ 䄺ਞ བᵰᇚ 㕂Ѣᯢ ৃˈݙ 㛑Ӯ 䞞ᬒ ᄺ DŽ䇋ҙՓ ᣛ ᅮⱘ DŽЎ䰆ℶҎ䑿Ӹᆇ ˈ䇋ϡ㽕䅽䞥ሲ ԧ 㾺 ܙ ッᄤDŽЎ䰡Ԣ㾺 ॅ䰽ˈ䇋ϡ㽕 ᓔ乊Ⲫ ৢⲪ DŽ ݙ ܙ ৃҹׂ ⱘ䚼ӊDŽ䇋 ᢚौDŽབ䳔㓈ׂˈ䇋 ϧϮ㓈ׂҎਬ ࡽDŽ ...

Page 59: ... ో ߩߏᵈᗧ ో䈭ᠲ 䈮㑐䈜䉎 ⷐ䈍䉋䈶 ⷐ䈭ᵈᗧ liv ᕋᚒ䉕 䈚 䈭䈇䉋 䈉 䈮䈜䉎䈢䉄䈱䈗ᵈᗧ liv Leaf AFi 䊂䉳 䉺䊦 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈱 䈱ᵈᗧ lv ㇱຠ䈍䉋䈶䉝䉪䉶䉰䊥 lvii ...

Page 60: ...䈩䈇䉁䈞䉖䇯 ㄝ䈪䈱䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈱 䈲ㆱ䈔䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈮 䈏䈎䈎䈦䈢႐ว䈲䇮 ᗵ㔚䈚 䈭䈇䉋 䈉 䈮㔚Ḯ䉕ᛮ䈇䈩䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷 䉕ᄖ䈚䇮 Leaf AFi 䊂䉳 䉺䊦 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 Leaf 䉦 䉴 䉺 䊙䊷 䉰䊘䊷 䊃 䈮䈍 䈇ว䉒䈞 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ᾍ䇮 㖸䇮 䈮䈍䈇䈱 䈭䈬䇮 Leaf AFi 䊂䉳 䉺䊦 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈮 Ᏹ䈏 䉌䉏䉎႐ว䈲䇮 䈢䈣䈤䈮䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈱 䉕䉇䉄䈩䇮 㔚Ḯ䉕ᛮ䈇䈩 䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷䉕ᄖ䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 Leaf 䉦䉴 䉺 䊙䊷 䉰䊘䊷 䊃 䈮䈍 䈇ว䉒䈞 䈒 䈣䈘䈇䇯 ๔㧦 ㆱߒߥ ߣੱ ߦ߆߆ࠊࠆ ೞߥᓇ㗀ࠍ ߔᕟࠇߩ ࠆෂ㒾ߥ ᴫࠍ ߒ ߔ ޕ ᵈᗧ㧦 ㆱߒߥ ߣシᐲ ߚߪਛ ᐲߩᕋᚒߦ ࠆᕟࠇߩ ࠆෂ㒾ߥ ᴫࠍ ߒ ߔ ޔߚ ޕ ẜ ߥ ኂߩน ᕈࠍ ๔ߔࠆ...

Page 61: ...䈇䇯 േゞౝ䈲㕖Ᏹ䈮㜞 䈮䈭䉎႐ว䈏䈅 䉍 䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕ゞౝ䈮 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ಽߩᓇ㗀 Leaf AFi 䊂䉳 䉺䊦 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈲㒐 䈘䉏䈩䈇䈭䈇䈢䉄䇮 ਛ ᓇ䈮䈲 ㆡ䈚 䈩䈇䉁䈞䉖䇯 ㄝ䈪䈱䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈱 䈲ㆱ䈔䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈮 䈏䈎䈎䈦䈢႐ว䈲䇮 ᨵ䉌䈎 䈒 䈩 䈭ੇ䈇䈢䊁 䉞 䉾 䉲䊠䈪㕒䈎䈮 䈐䉁䈜䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈏Ⴎಽ䉕 䉃ⓨ 䈮 䉏䈢႐ว䈲䇮 シ 䈒 Ḩ䉌䈞䈢䊁 䉞 䉾 䉲䊠䈪ᧄ 䉕 䈐䉁䈜䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈮 㔺䈏 䈜䉎 䈫䇮 ᯏ 䈏 䈭䉒䉏䈩ୃᓳਇ 䈱 䉕ฃ 䈔䉎ේ 䈫 䈭 䉍 䉁䈜䇯 㔺䉕㒐䈓䈢䉄䇮 ⅣႺ ᐲ䈏ᕆỗ䈮ᄌൻ䈜䉎႐ᚲ䈮䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕 䈎䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ᤨ䈲䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕䊎䊆䊷䊦 ⴼ䈮 䉏䈩ኒ㐽䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈮 㔺䈏...

Page 62: ...䉳 䉺䊦 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䈪ਛ㑆䊥 䊮䉫䉕 䈚 䈩䈇䉎႐ว䈲䇮 ᔅ䈝 ᦨೋ䈮䉦 䊜 䊤ᧄ 䈎䉌 䊥 䊮䉫䉕ᄖ䈚 䈩䈎䉌䇮 䊧䊮䉵䈎䉌 䊥 䊮䉫䉕ᄖ䈚 䉁䈜䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤ᧄ 䈮 䊥 䊮䉫䈏ข䉍ઃ䈔䉌䉏䈩䈇䉎㑆䈲䇮 䊥 䊮䉫䈮䊧䊮䉵䉕ข䉍ઃ䈔 䈢 䉍䇮 䊥 䊮䉫䈎䉌 䊧䊮䉵䉕ᄖ䈚 䈢 䉍 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉇 䉕㒐䈓䈢䉄䇮 䊧䊮䉵䉕 䈚 䈭䈇䈫 䈐䈲䊧䊮䉵 䉨䊞 䉾 䊒䉕ઃ䈔 䉁䈜䇯 ᣣశ䈱䈅䈢䉎႐ᚲ䈮䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕㒐 䉇 ຠ䈫 䈮 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛䉕ᾲḮ䈱ㄭ 䈒 䈮 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ᾲḮ䈱ㄭ 䈒 䈮䉦 䊜 䊤 䉕 䈜䉎 䈫䇮 䉬䊷䊑䊦䉇ᯏེ䈏ᄌᒻ䈚 䈢 䉍 䈜䉎ᕟ䉏䈏䈅 䉍 䉁䈜䇯 ᵈᗧ㧦Leaf AFi ࠫ ࠞࡔ ࠪࠬ ࡓߢߪ ᕈ ߇ ߐࠇߡ ࠆߚ ޔ ജ ߦࠃࠅ ߩ ࠞ ...

Page 63: ...䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ࡃ ల㔚ེߩ ోߦ㑐ߔࠆᖱႎ 䈖䈱ల㔚ེ䈲䇮 䉦 䊜 䊤 䉲䉴䊁䊛 䊥 䉼䉡䊛 䉟䉥䊮 䊋䉾 䊁 䊥 䊷 䊌䉾 䉪એᄖ 䈱䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷 䊌䉾 䉪䈱ల㔚䈮䈲 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 Ἣἴ䉇 ⵚ䈱ේ 䈮䈭 䉍 䉁䈜䇯 ల㔚ེ䉕ಽ 䈚 䈢 䉍䇮 ᡷㅧ䈚 䈢 䉍 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ེ䉕Ḩ 䈱ᄙ䈇႐ᚲ䈪 䈚 䈢 䉍䇮 䈭䈬䈱ᶧ 䈏 䉏䈭䈇䉋 䈉 䈮 䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ེ䉕 䈫 䈚 䈢 䉍䇮 ⴣ 䉇ᝄേ䉕ਈ䈋䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷䈱ข䉍ઃ䈔䉁䈢䈲ข䉍ᄖ䈚䈱㓙䈮䇮 ήℂ䈭ജ䉕ਈ䈋䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ᣣశ䉕ㆱ䈔䇮 䉕㐽䉄ಾ䈦䈢ゞౝ䈭䈬㜞 䈱႐ᚲ䈮 䈎䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ེ䈏ᄌᒻ䈚 䈢 䉍䇮 ᄌ 䉇 േ 䈱ේ 䈮䈭䉎ᕟ䉏䈏䈅 䉍 䉁䈜䇯 ㆊᐲ䈱ᾲ䉕ട䈋䈢 䉍䇮 Ἳ䈮䈘 䉌 䈘 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ๔㧦ࡃ ࠍടᾲ ߚߪ ළߒߚࠅ ޔ...

Page 64: ... 䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ㆇ 䈱㓙䈲䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷 䊌䉾 䉪 䉕䊎䊆䊷䊦ⴼ䈮 䉏䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ਛ䈱 䈱 ᐲ䈏ૐ䈇䈫䇮 ల㔚䈮ᤨ㑆䈏䈎䈎䈦䈢 䉍䇮 䉁䈦䈢 䈒 ల㔚 䈘䉏䈭䈇႐ว䈏䈅 䉍 䉁䈜䇯 䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷 䊌䉾 䉪䈲ቶ 䋨10 䌾 30 㷄䋩 䈱႐ ᚲ䈪ల㔚䈜䉎 䈖 䈫 䉕䈍 䉄䈚 䉁䈜䇯 Ἣ䈜䉎ᕟ䉏䈏䈅 䉍 䉁䈜䈱䈪䇮 䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷䉕䉲 䊢 䊷 䊃 䈘䈞䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ེ䉕ሶଏ䈱ᚻ䈱ዯ䈎䈭䈇䈫 䈖 䉐䈮 䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚䈏ቢੌ䈚 䈢䉌䇮 㔚Ḯ䈎䉌ల㔚ེ䉕ข䉍ᄖ䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚䈜䉎႐ว䈲䇮 12V DC 䉝䉻䊒 䉺䊷䉁䈢䈲䉦䊷 䉼䊞䊷䉳䊞䊷䈱䉂䉕䈗 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ធ ㇱಽ䉕 ẖ䈮䈚 䈩 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ធ ㇱಽ䈮ήℂ䈭ജ䉕ട䈋䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ల㔚ེ䈮ធ 䈚 䈢䊋䉾 䊁 䊥䊷䉕㐳ᤨ㑆 䈚 䈭䈇䈪 䈒 䈣 䈘䈇䇯 ...

Page 65: ...Introduction Product Overview 2 Leaf AFi Suitcase Contents 3 Getting to Know Your AFi 6 ...

Page 66: ...arge 6 x 7 cm built in LCD touch screen offering an innovative graphic user interface and a variety of functions and pre defined settings An adjustable ergonomic handgrip enables correct shooting positions with an LCD that displays essential camera settings from any shooting position The direct drive mirror ensures little or no vibration to eliminate camera interference New hardware offers a conti...

Page 67: ...e To avoid installation and operation problems use only the accessories supplied in the Leaf digital camera system kit Table 1 Contents of the Leaf AFi Suitcase Leaf AFi digital camera system 800 to 400 FireWire cable 4 5 m 15 ft 800 to 800 FireWire cable 4 5 m 15 ft Car charger lead Leaf Capture application and documentation DVD box Quick Start Guide ...

Page 68: ... Cleaning supplies cleaning wipes and tweezers External power adaptor Diffuser Gray card Case for safe storage of your digital camera system Two lithium ion batteries Fast charger for lithium ion batteries 12V DC power supply ...

Page 69: ...Leaf AFi Suitcase Contents 5 Three AC cables EU US and UK Covers for the LCD touch screen digital back sensor and camera front and rear Cover for the battery slot Neck and hand straps Stylus spare ...

Page 70: Your AFi The following section introduces you to the buttons controls and functions on your Leaf AFi Leaf AFi Front View Figure 1 Leaf AFi Front View Lens Release Shutter Release Button Front Dial AF Illuminator Rear Dial USB Interface ...

Page 71: ...w Figure 2 Leaf AFi Control Side View Viewfinder Release Back Release CompactFlash Card Compartment Meter Mode Switch Meter Mode Button AF Button AF Switch Flash Button Lens Release Flash Shoe AE Button AE Switch On Off Dial On Off Button Back Flash Sync ...

Page 72: AFi Base View Figure 3 Leaf AFi Base View Battery Cover 1 4 Tripod Socket 3 8 Tripod Socket FireWire Port Camera Battery Compartment Front Dial Shutter Release Button USB Interface Novoflex Mount Tripod Plate Handgrip Release ...

Page 73: Know Your AFi 9 Leaf AFi Handgrip Side View Figure 4 Leaf AFi Handgrip Side View Flash Sync Handgrip Release Camera Battery Chamber User Button Stylus Back Battery Release Remote Cable Control Port Lens Sync ...

Page 74: ...r 1 Introduction Leaf AFi Handgrip Top View Figure 5 Leaf AFi Handgrip Top View AF Illuminator Soft Button Handgrip LCD Options Button Rear Dial Handgrip Strap Mirror Lock up Depth of Field Preview Button Button ...

Page 75: ...tarted Powering your AFi 12 Inserting the Battery in the Handgrip 12 Attaching and Removing a Lens 13 Setting Up 15 Image Storage 19 Camera Controls 26 AFi Back Controls 36 Storing the Leaf AFi Digital Camera 44 ...

Page 76: ...wer Supply Using a 12 V DC split power supply For more information see Connecting the AFi Back to a Power Supply on page 61 Using a split supply and tethered solution using a battery in the handgrip and by powering the AFi back using a FireWire cable Inserting the Battery in the Handgrip Note Before using the camera system for the first time you must charge the battery This may take a few hours 1 ...

Page 77: ...pwards and push it into the handgrip until it locks Attaching and Removing a Lens To attach a lens 1 Press the lens release button and rotate the body cap counterclockwise to remove the cover on the front of the camera system 2 Remove the rear lens cap from the lens 3 Align the red arrow on the rear of the lens with the red arrow on the camera body ...

Page 78: clockwise When the lens clicks it is locked into place To remove a lens 1 Press the lens release button and rotate the lens counterclockwise to remove it 2 Replace the rear lens and the camera body caps Tip Attach and remove lenses from the camera in a clean and dust free environment ...

Page 79: ...side of the camera and pull the viewfinder off the camera body Opening the Waist level Viewfinder Gently pull the top rear side of the waist level viewfinder The viewfinder opens and locks in place To open the pop up loupe gently lift the tab in the upper right side of the viewfinder The loupe opens and locks in place The viewfinder is equipped with a hinge joint on each side and can be folded and...

Page 80: ... the back of the camera and the front of the AFi back when not in use Rotating the AFi Back 1 Holding the AFi camera securely push the back release inwards and upwards and gently pull the AFi back away from the camera body 2 Rotate the AFi back counterclockwise by 90 3 Line up the AFi back and the camera 4 Insert the pins of the AFi back into the holes on the rear end of the camera 5 Hold the back...

Page 81: ...Fi camera securely push the handgrip release button Figure 6 Hangrip Release Button 2 Rotate the handgrip to any of the four preset positions Figure 7 Rotating the Handgrip 3 Release the handgrip release button The handgrip locks in place Handgrip Release Button ...

Page 82: ...flex Mount Tripod Plate Attaching a Neck Strap The neck strap included in your AFi camera suitcase can be attached to the camera 1 Insert the metal lugs at either end of the neck strap into the slots located on each side of the camera Figure 9 Neck Strap Metal Lug 2 Push each metal lug down until you hear a click The metal lug is locked in place It is important to ensure that the lugs are locked i...

Page 83: ...d the card Notes If you use the Leaf AFi as a card reader we recommend that you use a computer running Mac OS X Formatting the CompactFlash card erases all data on the card If you have been using the CompactFlash card with your AFi back and wish to erase all the data on the card perform a quick format Formatting in Mac OS X 1 Insert the CompactFlash card into the card reader or the Leaf AFi 2 On t...

Page 84: ...20 Chapter 2 Getting Started 5 Click the Erase tab Figure 10 Erase Tab 6 In the Volume Format box select MS DOS File System ...

Page 85: ...e Figure 12 Erase Disk Confirmation Message 9 In the confirmation message that appears click Erase Formatting is complete when the progress bar disappears from view the Volume Format box shows Mac OS Extended journaled and the Name box shows Untitled 10 On the desktop select the LEAF CF volume ...

Page 86: ...nfo window ensure that Format shows Macintosh PC Exchange MS DOS Figure 13 Leaf CF Info Window 13 Close the Disk Utility application 14 Drag the LEAF CF volume to Trash Formatting in Windows 1 Insert the CompactFlash card in a card reader 2 On the desktop click My Computer ...

Page 87: ... select Format Figure 14 Removable Disk Menu 4 In the Format dialog box in the File System box select FAT32 5 In the Volume label box type LEAF CF 6 Click Start Figure 15 Format Window 7 When the format procedure is complete go to the desktop and click My Computer ...

Page 88: ...arted 8 Right click Removable Disk and from the menu select Eject Inserting the CompactFlash Card 1 Open the CompactFlash card door 2 Insert the CompactFlash card Figure 16 Insert the CompactFlash card CompactFlash card door ...

Page 89: ...Image Storage 25 Removing the CompactFlash Card Open the CompactFlash card door and then press the release button Figure 17 The CompactFlash Card Release Button Release Button ...

Page 90: ...Fi camera body and back turn on and the camera system is ready for use Note The camera system will enter sleep mode if it is not used for three minutes You can set the sleep mode in the camera menu To turn the camera off Turn the shutter release dial to OFF Selecting the Shutter Release Mode Using the On Off dial Figure 18 select the desired shutter release mode Single shot takes a single shot whe...

Page 91: ...n Off dial to red dot mode b Press and hold down the On Off button c Set the rear dial to Self timer d Set the front dial to the desired timer length from second to 128 seconds Ultrafast shoot continually with the mirror locked up a Set the On Off dial to red dot mode b Press and hold down the On Off button c Rotate the rear dial and select Ultra Fast in the handgrip LCD d Release the On Off butto...

Page 92: ...or as long as you hold down the shutter release button halfway M Manual focus you focus the camera manually by turning the focusing ring on the lens Tip To focus automatically when in manual focus mode push the AF button The lens focuses and then you return to manual focus mode Red dot use to set the autofocus a Set the AF switch to red dot b Set the rear dial to one of the following Single Contin...

Page 93: ...the On Off button 4 Rotate the Rear dial to select Focus Trap in the handgrip LCD 5 Release the On Off button The Focus Trap icon appears on the LCD screen 6 Manually focus on the desired point for trapping 7 Point the camera so that the focus area is on an out of focus area 8 Push the Shutter Release button all the way in The shutter is not released 9 Keep holding the Shutter Release button down ...

Page 94: ... dial the camera automatically shuts the aperture A Aperture priority exposure control In this mode you set the aperture using the front dial the camera automatically selects the shutter speed M Manual setting of exposure control In this mode you can set the aperture using the front dial and the shutter speed using the rear dial On a non AFD lens you can set the aperture by using the aperture ring...

Page 95: ...utter release button until you encounter light resistance The lens focuses automatically Sharp focus has been detected when the two arrows of the focus indicator in the viewfinder LCD display appear simultaneously If the camera system is unable to focus on the subject the focus indicator arrows blink 4 Push the shutter release down fully to take the shot 5 To refocus release the shutter release bu...

Page 96: the viewfinder LCD display appear simultaneously If the camera system is unable to focus on the subject the focus indicator arrows blink Shooting with Manual Focus 1 Set the AF switch to M 2 Using the viewfinder as an aid aim the camera at the subject 3 When the focus area is on the subject adjust the lens focusing ring 4 To help you focus use the loupe in the waist level viewfinder Sharp focus...

Page 97: ...a spot approximately represented by the circle in the viewfinder Red dot use to change the ISO setting for film Press the Meter Mode button and rotate the front dial to the desired ISO Note To change the ISO for digital shooting use the controls on the AFi back For more information see Setting the ISO on page 38 2 Push the shutter release button until you reach the half way position and encounter ...

Page 98: ...f the following Normal Sync The flash is triggered immediately as the shutter opens Rear Sync The flash is triggered just before the shutter closes Note The Leaf AFi can use TTL flash via a Rollei SCA 3562 adapter connected to the Flash Shoe on the side of the camera Electronic flash can also be used by connecting a PC cord to the Flash Sync socket or via a wireless remote device connected to the ...

Page 99: is set to On use the front dial to select the amount of time until sleep mode is initiated Off Re activation Manual Release Btn Graphic User Interface GUI Automatic Meter EV Comp Flash Aperture Shutter Speed GUI Enhanced AE Mode AF Mode Meter Choice ISO Single or Continuous Shooting Flash Mode Aperture Meter Shutter EV Compensation Acoustic Signal On Off ...

Page 100: ...AFi Back Controls Using the Touch Screen The AFi back includes a built in 6 x 7 cm LCD touch screen with an innovative graphics user interface Figure 23 AFi Back with Touch Screen LCD Contrast 00 16 56 63 LCD Backlight On Off Auto ...

Page 101: ...trols 37 Using the Stylus Use the stylus provided to tap the touch screen Figure 24 The stylus To remove the stylus for use slide it out of the slot located at the top of the AFi back Figure 25 Removing the stylus ...

Page 102: ...38 Chapter 2 Getting Started Setting the ISO 1 Tap Camera to access the camera settings 2 Tap ISO and enter the desired setting The camera settings specified here are applied to all future shots ...

Page 103: ...or flagging images in Shoot view and for flagging or deleting images in Edit view Configuring the User Button for Shoot View 1 Tap User Button 2 Tap Shoot view 3 In the Action bar select Indicators or Flag 4 If you selected Indicators in step 3 tap Actions Settings and select the desired indicators ...

Page 104: ...40 Chapter 2 Getting Started Configuring the User Button for Edit View To configure the user button for flagging or deleting images 1 Tap User Button 2 Tap Edit view 3 Tap Flag or Delete ...

Page 105: ...figuring a Long Press of the User Button You can set the user button so that a long press can either lock or unlock the touch screen or turn the display on or off 1 Tap User Button 2 Tap Long Press 3 Select the desired option ...

Page 106: ...ays Examine the histogram exposure data Use the picker tool to view the exposure data for a specific spot on the image Use the exposure alarms to view the overexposed and underexposed areas of the image Tips Press the user button to view the histogram the exposure alarms and additional shot information when in Shoot view To maximize the display size of your shot double tap the image Shutter Releas...

Page 107: Alarms 1 Tap histog 2 Examine the histogram to check that most of the exposure data lies within the exposure limits Exposure data that lies within the limits is shown in white Overexposed and underexposed data is shown in gray 1 Tap over A flashing mask covers the overexposed and underexposed areas of the image ...

Page 108: ...a system when you are not working store it in the suitcase provided 1 Tap histog to open the histogram 2 Tap and then tap a spot on the image The spot that you tap is marked by a magenta circle A magenta line on the histogram indicates the exposure data related to the spot Tap to enlarge the histogram The exposure meter shows the overall exposure in f stops Note To remove the spot from the image t...

Page 109: ...Working With Your AFi Using the Viewfinder LCD 46 Updating Your AFi 47 Setting Preferences on the AFi Back 48 Managing Your Shots 52 ...

Page 110: ...erture display indicating that the user has selected the shutter speed and that the aperture is automatically selected When the AE switch is set to A Aperture priority exposure control an A is displayed next to the Shutter Speed display indicating that the user has selected the aperture and that the shutter speed is automatically selected Battery level Aperture Automatic Aperture Selection Indicat...

Page 111: ...and improve the functionality of your camera system Upload the firmware to your AFi back 1 Ensure that Leaf Capture is open 2 Connect your AFi back to your computer using the FireWire cable If the firmware in your AFi camera can be upgraded the following message appears Figure 2 Upload Firmware Confirmation Message 3 Click OK The firmware in your AFi camera is uploaded ...

Page 112: ...48 Chapter 3 Working With Your AFi Setting Preferences on the AFi Back Changing the Interface Language 1 Scroll down and then tap Interface Language 2 Tap the desired language ...

Page 113: ...Date and Time Note You need to set the date and time only once If the time zone that you work in changes reset the date and time accordingly 1 Scroll down and then tap Date and Time 2 Using the virtual keypad tap the date and time values and then tap ok ...

Page 114: ...Setting the Owner Information 1 Tap Owner Information ...

Page 115: ...Setting Preferences on the AFi Back 51 2 Tap the relevant area 3 Use the virtual keypad to enter the desired information and tap ok ...

Page 116: ...52 Chapter 3 Working With Your AFi Managing Your Shots Deleting Shots in Shoot View 1 Tap the image and hold until the flag note and delete buttons appear 2 Tap delete to delete the image ...

Page 117: ...anaging Your Shots 53 Creating a Folder Your shots are automatically saved to your CompactFlash CF card To enhance organization you can create folders for storing your shots 1 Tap Shots Folder 2 Tap down ...

Page 118: for your shots The AFi applies this name to all shots adding a number in sequence each time until you define a new base name 3 Tap new 4 Using the virtual keypad tap the name of the folder and then tap OK 5 To create a subfolder tap the new folder tap open and then tap new 1 Tap File name ...

Page 119: ...Managing Your Shots 55 2 Tap keypad 3 Using the virtual keypad enter a base name for the shot and then tap ok ...

Page 120: ...56 Chapter 3 Working With Your AFi Adding Notes and Copyright Information to Your Shots 1 Scroll down and then tap Notes 2 Click in either the Description or CopyrightNotice area ...

Page 121: ...Managing Your Shots 57 3 Use the virtual keypad to enter the desired information and then tap ok ...

Page 122: ...58 Chapter 3 Working With Your AFi ...

Page 123: ...Power Supply About the Power Supply 60 Attaching the Battery to the AFi Back 60 Connecting the AFi Back to a Power Supply 61 Charging the Batteries 62 ...

Page 124: ...till on for review and file management As a way of keeping a battery on hand When the battery in the handgrip becomes exhausted the secondary battery can replace it in the handgrip Attaching the Battery to the AFi Back 1 Press the button on the underside of the AFi back to remove the battery slot cover Figure 1 Removing the battery slot cover 2 Press the battery into the recess on the underside of...

Page 125: ...e AFi Back to a Power Supply 1 Insert the end of the external power adaptor into the FW port on the AFi back Figure 3 Insert the External Power Supply Adaptor 2 Connect the other end of the external power adaptor to the 12V DC power supply Note The power supply powers the AFi back To operate the camera system ensure that you have a battery in the camera handgrip ...

Page 126: ...utions at the beginning of this guide To charge the battery with the 12V DC Power Supply 1 Connect one end of the 12V DC power supply cable to the hähnel MCL103 battery charger 2 Connect the 12V DC power supply to a wall outlet using the cable provided Note The 12V DC power supply is designed for use with both 110V and 220V input voltages Important Do not use any power supply cables other than the...

Page 127: ... charged Charging is complete when the indicator light turns off Note Do not leave the battery in the charger when the charger is not connected to the power supply This causes the battery to discharge To charge the battery with the car lead 1 Connect one end of the car lead cable to the hähnel MCL103 battery charger 2 Connect the car lead to the 12V car socket To remove the battery pack from the c...

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