mc²96 Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/3
5. Service Procedures
Position the new user panel into its slot, taking care to get the correct orientation! If replacing both
panels at once, then start with the lower and then the upper slot.
Replace the nuts, washers and screws to secure the panels back into place.
It is a good idea to fix the four Hex nuts on the side of each user panel first, and tighten these to bring the panel
flush with the main surface. Then fit the remaining Hex nuts and T10 screws. For the upper panel slot, see also
step 6.
Before you continue, turn the complete panel face-up to check the fitting. Both user panels should be flush with
the rest of the surface.
If you are working on the upper panel slot, then refit the thin blanking strip by positioning it, and securing
the three T10 screws and three Hex nuts: