mc²96 Installation & Service Guide
Version: 1.0/3
3. The Hardware
Xtra Main Faders
Optionally, the Central Panel Lower (978/20) can be replaced by the Xtra Central Panel Lower (978/22) to
increase the number of main faders from 8 to 16. To support this option, the Central Panel Upper (978/21)
be fitted with the Xtra User Panel (978/23) to provide access to the following functions: FC PRESETS, LINK,
ISO, STRIP ASSIGNMENT, FADER USER BUTTON and BUS ASSIGNMENT. This option can be retrofitted to
existing consoles.
1 x Channel Display (978/13)
Identical to standard centre section.
1 x RTW Panel (978/27)
Identical to standard centre section.
1 x Central Panel Upper (978/21)
Identical to standard centre section.
1 x Xtra User Panel (978/23)
with 35 push-buttons.
1 x Xtra Central Panel Lower (978/22)
with 16 x 100mm motorised faders, 1 rotary
encoder, 12 mini TFT displays, 1 trackball, 210
Replaces the 978/20.
Ethernet Server
Internally, the central bay is fitted with an Ethernet server (mounted behind the display). This can be either a
Bayserver or Gateserver. The differences are described
Further Information
All faders and rotary encoders are touch-sensitive.
You can find more information about the individual panels and displays in their