C6000 Debugger | 4
C6000 Debugger
Version 26-Oct-2022
Brief Overview of Documents for New Users
Architecture-independent information:
(training_debugger.pdf): Get familiar with the basic features of a
TRACE32 debugger.
(app_t32start.pdf): T32Start assists you in starting TRACE32 PowerView instances
for different configurations of the debugger. T32Start is only available for Windows.
.pdf): Alphabetic list of debug commands.
Architecture-specific information:
“Processor Architecture Manuals”
: These manuals describe commands that are specific for the
processor architecture supported by your debug cable. To access the manual for your processor
architecture, proceed as follows:
menu >
Processor Architecture Manual
.pdf): TRACE32 PowerView can be extended for operating
system-aware debugging. The appropriate OS Awareness manual informs you how to enable the
OS-aware debugging.
Converter from GEL to PRACTICE
The General Extension Language (GEL) is an interpretive language similar to C that lets you create
functions to extend Code Composer Studio’s usefulness. The converter allows you to convert GEL language
into PRACTICE scripts (*.cmm), which can be used directly in TRACE32.
For more detailed information on that converter please refer to