X-431 PAD V
User's Manual
Computer and mobile devices that run TeamViewer are identified by a
globally unique ID. The first time the TeamViewer is launched, this ID
is generated automatically based on the hardware characteristics and
will not change later on.
Follow the steps below to receive remote support from a partner:
1. On the Home screen, tap Other modules -> TeamViewer. The
TeamViewer interface displays and the device ID is generated and
Fig. 8-2
2. Your partner must install the TeamViewer full version program (if
not installed, go to http://www.teamviewer.com to download it), and
then start the software on his/her computer at the same time, in
order to provide support and take control of your tablet remotely.
3. Provide your ID to the partner, and wait for him/her to send you a
remote control request.
4. A dialog box asking for your confirmation to allow remote control on
your tablet will appear.
5. Tap Allow to accept, or tap Deny to reject.
For more information, please refer to the associated TeamViewer
8.4 System OTA Upgrade
An Over-the-Air (OTA) update is the wireless delivery of new operating
system, software or data to tablets and mobile phones. Wireless
carriers have traditionally used over-the-air updates to deploy
firmware and configure phones or tablets for use on their network.
The initialization of a newly purchased tablet required an over-the-air
*Note: While performing OTA update, please make sure the tablet battery has
at least 70% and DO NOT run any other programs during the update.
1. On the Home screen, tap Other modules -> System OTA Upgrade.
2. Tap “Check the Latest Version”. Once a newer version is found,
follow the on-screen instructions to download and install the update
3. Be patient to wait until the update is done.
8.5 Facebook
Facebook is an American online social media and social networking
service application. After registering, users can
Create a customized profile indicating their name, occupation,
schools attended and so on.
Add other users as “friends”, exchange messages, post status
updates, share photos, videos and links, use various app, and
receive notifications of other users’ activity.
Join common-interest user groups organized by workplace, school,
hobbies or other topics, and categorize their friends into lists such
as “People From Work” or “Close Friends”.
Report or block unpleasant people.
For additional information on Facebook, please refer to the associated